ASM problems


New member
I have an ASM g3 skimmer that I modded with the gate valve and the mesh wheel. For a few days it was pulling great stuff from the water. Now it is barely making bubbles. Can someone shoot over any ideas. I am debating going back to the needle wheel without the mesh. Or changing skimmers all together.
how many sheets did you put in? it may be hitting the side may need to make the diameter smaller
I cut it down so it doesn't hit the side. I used 4 sheets and kept cutting till it spun perfectly. I am changing out my sump on sunday so I think that I will just take it apart then. This is the luck I have with the tank...
Steve, simply start the flow of air by blowing in the feeding tube lightly until you feel the vacuum taking over, I found that with this mod the suction power of the Venturi diminish and therefore when you stop the skimmer and restart it may not take on the air until you give it a little help
Why mod it at all?

Is this ASM G3 for your 65 or 180? If its for your 180, upgrade to a ASM G4+ and don't mod it... the thing is a beast and pulls like no other, you just have to keep the water level as consistent as possible.

-Mike C.
The conector from the air hose to the pump venturi may get plugged up. I pull the air line and run a small drill through there every couple days.
Thank you to all. It started working by itself. I am changing out my sump for a larger one. Once I do that, I will take it apart to figure out what it was. Thanks
Actually, I realized that it is a G2 it is for my 110. I would love to upgrade soon, but the budget doesn't allow. Zurc, I actually downsized to a 110 recently. I might be adding another tank to the system so I would like a better skimmer. If anyone has a skimmer that are trying to get rid of at a reasonable price, please let me know.
Is it still pulling in the same amount of water or is the skimmer barely filling (compared to where it was before)? If the water is the same look at these two things. Is the mesh falling apart (the cheap stuff will). If so either remesh or trim off the "flyers". Also try sucking a cup of really hot water through the venturi to clean it out.