Asonitez's 180 Build after the Leak


Floodicus Maximus Flooris
Well I ran into some trouble in the upgrade from the 90 to the 180. My 180 Sprung a leak and I had to empty and reseal the whole tank. After the Reseal I started to rebuild. As I had to Try and get it finished before the holidays.

Equip List

Aquaeuro USA 250 Skimmer
Enaly 500mgh Ozone
Coralife Ozone Controller
Reef Keeper 2 Controller
4 X Modded MaxiJet 900's with Sureflow Kit.

110lbs of Figi Cured from my 90 Gal.

Here are some pics.

Filling the Tank





I installed 2 Reactors

I filled one with Phos and one with carbon they are Via Aqua Poly Reactors.

My Return is a Mag 12 T'd off to my fuge.




My Old Rock! In my existing tank. After the big leak I just has to transfer everything back into the 90 gallon. I didn't aquascape it again.

Also I had drilled my rocks and inserted 3/4 and 1/2 inch acrylic rods through them to create pillars.

Existing Tank update


After the new tank was filled up I put in the salt and mixed for 2 days. Then I added the sand and the rock. Here is my First Attempt at aquascaping. I am leaving space so that I can add the remainder of my rock when I get it.


Here is what I did for the fuge. I think that its important to have flow in the fuge area. I T'd off my Return so that It disturbs the surface of the fuge.



Looks great! :thumbsup:

Is this going to be a reef like your 90 gal, or FOWLR?

If its a reef, I wouldnt add more rock. It looks great now, and theres tons of room for corals to grow out!
My guys started getting curious when like 1.5 Billion pods and some worms got sucked up and into the display !! they feasted.

Here is pretty much "Da Boss"


I added some corals



Octopus torch

Edited a little for the scape


I needed some Movement and I added some Tiny baby Chromis. 10 to be exact. They school alot. and under the Stock Odyssea 15K MH's and I replaced the BLUE actinic with 420nm 03 Actinic from ebay.


I added this guy. A Red Coris. A absolutely beautiful Specimen. He hid for days then finally I got him out and fed him gutloaded brine shrimp and krill soaked in Vitachem (VITALITY).


I've been feeding my fish twice a day like this and they seem to have taken the move well.

I also added a Fridmani Pseudochromis. He isn't comfortable yet.
I seem to be running into trouble with particles in the water. My flow seems to be kinda weird as well. I'm thinking of moving all the powerheads to the back pane and angle them from there.
I have 4 Modded MaxiJet 900's , 1 In each corner of the tank pointed at the centerish and across the rocks.

My Sump Looks Crystal clear, however the tank itself seems to have a LOT of particles. I was thinking that I possibly have too Much Flow.

ALSO I was wondering would it be more effective to mount the MaxiJets on the Rear Wall of the tank and have them Pointing Out and Up Instead of in 4 Corners Pointing to center?

Here are the types, Which would work best

type 1


type 2

Type 3
Ugh... and my PH seems to be 7.56 according to my Reef Keeper. I might have to raise it. I gotta get some KENT Buffer.
I raised the PH to 7.76 after adding some kent dKH cause mine was low. Everyone reacted well and I could see the corals and fish open up more. This is however a temporary solution I think. I was thinking of having a Baking Soda and tank Water drip going but I don't know how that should work. I'm still getting a lot of sand particles in the water. I hate that the water isn't clear. You can't see them with the halides off but with the halides on you definately see them. The overflow is real quiet but I don't know if its not moving enough water or something. It's 1,200 gph using 2 1 inch drains . The overflow is going into 2 filter socks. Maybe I need to get smaller micron sock.