Asterina Stars


New member
Does anyone have a few extra of these they could spare? We don't mind purchasing either. We have a Harlequinn Shrimp and don't really want to cut up a chocolate star if we don't have to. Please let me know!
goto SWR ask the guys there to throw ya some in with whatever ya buy Ive done that and got some free. unfortunately I dont have enough algae to keep em breeding. you might also look into breeding some in a ref.
Thanks, I will. SWR is really expensive, so we may have to wait awhile until we can afford to go purchase anything new from there. That's a good idea though! I am still hoping we can find a few locally in the mean time though (if anyone else out there has some). I hadn't considered breeding in the refugium. That might be a good idea. My only concern would be getting them out of there. It's kind of a tight fit getting the lid off and then getting down in there. You've given me much to think about!