ATI bulbs locally?


New member
Anyone around here carry ATI bulbs for sale? Im looking for Aqua Blue Special and Purple Plus 48". Shipping and "bulb handling" is killing me. I could buy another bulb with those charges! Or anyone know a site that sells those bulbs that have free shipping or something.
When had T-5s ide get from reefgeeks dot come. Its been a while but then: Great service, but yes shipping gets you.
Thanks Eddie. Someone offered me a deal and im waiting to hear back from them. I also found that a LFS next to my new house carries ATI in stock, so yea. But thanks for the link. Its definately better than Marine Depot which charged like $8 shipping and $20 "bulb handling fee"
Thanks Eddie. Someone offered me a deal and im waiting to hear back from them. I also found that a LFS next to my new house carries ATI in stock, so yea. But thanks for the link. Its definately better than Marine Depot which charged like $8 shipping and $20 "bulb handling fee"

John- Dont discard the fact that when you buy 48" bulbs they require a special box, lots of padding etc... I can tell you that when i would recieve my T-5 bulbs the amount of padding and size of box was something i guarantee you UPS charged extra for. Its not the vendors fault. AND that was for 36" bulbs (my 65g).

So you have to fiqure the $28 into you purchase. If its not worth it then YES local is better, but beggers cant be choosers, since LFS also has to pay for this.