attaching ric to a rock


New member
I have tried now for two days with super glue to attach a ric to a rock and each time this thing keeps falling off and into the unknown. I now have put it in a cup so I don't loose it. Can you please give me ideas on how to attach this to the rock. Thank you in advance for your help.


The 2 things I've had the most luck with:

-- put some rubble in shallow cup with ric on top. Cover with some type netting (all I had was piece cut out of wife's hose) and secure around cup with rubberband. Place where will get flow to feed, but not so much it blows around in cup.

--put ric on rock and cover loosly with netting. rubberband netting ot rock and put in medium flow in tank.

Good luck.
-- put some rubble in shallow cup with ric on top. Cover with some type netting (all I had was piece cut out of wife's hose) and secure around cup with rubberband. Place where will get flow to feed, but not so much it blows around in cup.

This is exactly what I did and it worked perfectly.
I had a hard time with getting one to attach, too, and I finally put the closed and folded mushroom in a nice crevice in a bare piece of live rock and it finally attached.