
I'm gonna be down your way in early March for a cruise to the Caymans that leaves out of Ft.Lauderdale on March 7th and stops in Key West on the 8th...

I'm 'tentatively" signed up for a SNUBA w/ my wife since she doesn't dive, but depending upon time at port and time spent doing the SNUBA thing, I was hoping to get in a real dive somewhere.

So, ya wanna go diving..? :D

^ bump ^

Maybe someone would be willing to PM him and alert him to this message, since the ability to ever PM anyone on RC was taklen away from me! :rolleyes:
I don't know him but I saw this posted in the lounge and figure I relay the info (my condolences to his family ....

''I'm very sad to annouce that a somewhat new member named Keezdiver has passed away today. He was taken away way too early today. He was involved in a very tragic wreck on Seven Mile Bridge in the Keys. I knew Jeff from the spearfishing community. He was very involved in the community and he was a fish biologist as well. I knew he recently joined on here as he started up a new tank. My thoughts go out to his wife Jess and the rest of his family. ''
Wow... My condolences to the family for their loss.

For what it's worth, we all die in the end. There is no escaping it - we are here for a limited time only, and our tragic end is unavoidable. There is not a thing any of us can do to prevent it.

The only thing we can do as humans is live our lives to the best of our ability. Find those things that are important to us, and surround ourselves with those things - be they people, love, items, hobbies or whatever.

...And apparently Keezdiver did exactly that. :) What better could be said about someone's life?

Regardless of what someone may believe, there's no question that he is not feeling the emotional pain that the family is. For that, my heart goes out to the family. Know that he is not for want, whatever you believe his spirit is doing... And that the pain that y'all feel is pain that YOU feel - surely he is not crippled with it, too. Sluff off the pain - for surely, he would not want you to hurt.

Godspeed, Keezdiver. Your presence will be very missed here.
Wow... My condolences to the family for their loss.

For what it's worth, we all die in the end. There is no escaping it - we are here for a limited time only, and our tragic end is unavoidable. There is not a thing any of us can do to prevent it.

The only thing we can do as humans is live our lives to the best of our ability. Find those things that are important to us, and surround ourselves with those things - be they people, love, items, hobbies or whatever.

...And apparently Keezdiver did exactly that. :) What better could be said about someone's life?

Regardless of what someone may believe, there's no question that he is not feeling the emotional pain that the family is. For that, my heart goes out to the family. Know that he is not for want, whatever you believe his spirit is doing... And that the pain that y'all feel is pain that YOU feel - surely he is not crippled with it, too. Sluff off the pain - for surely, he would not want you to hurt.

Godspeed, Keezdiver. Your presence will be very missed here.

Well said, SeaJay.