August 11, 2012 Meeting at UCO


New member
This month's meeting will be held on August 11, 2012 at 7:00PM at the UCO atrium.
This meeting's seminar will be Pests, Parasites and Things That Go Munch in the Night. At some time in all of our reefkeeping careers we will encounter one or more pests in our systems that we will have to take measures to eradicate. The advanced aquarists have learned through bitter experience what to look for and how to keep nuisances at bay. For a person new to the hobby this is a different matter. In this seminar I want to try to illustrate what to look for, both the symptoms and the culprits, and give an idea on how to manage these invaders. Where possible I will try and give both the chemical (quick) cure as well as the biological (slower) approach. It is likely that you will be able to utilize both of these tactics to eradicate the pest and then keep them out. There are a lot of pests in this hobby and for the most part they can be easily dealt with. This talk will show you
that you don't need to panic and take a drastic course of action. Some nuisances you need to avoid at all costs and knowing what to look for on new corals can save you a great deal of time, money and most of all frustration.

About the Speaker:

Dr Paul Whitby

Paul served as the President of the Central Oklahoma Marine Aquarium Society (COMAS) from 2002 to 2011. During that time he instituted several programs, including the frag program which has become a model for many other clubs around the world. He has had several articles published in various magazines such as ReefKeeping and Reefs Magazine and he is also a staff writer for He has published several reviews and articles on COMAS, the development of a captive propagation program (the frag program) to conserve coral species, pests and parasites, and more recently a series on his favorite subject of aquascaping. In October 2007 his SPS dominated display tank was selected as Reef Keeping Magazine's Tank of the Month- shortly after this, the tank decided to spring a leak and was taken down. Since then a new system has taken its place and was just featured in an 11 page spread in Ultramarine UK, a leading magazine in Europe. Paul has presented seminars at several marine aquarium related conferences and at local clubs including CRASE, Reefstock, ReefFest, IMAC west, and NextWave and is also included in the roster of speakers for MACNA 2012. Paul has been keeping saltwater aquariums for over 25 years and has owned a variety of tanks ranging from under 30 to in excess of 600 gallons. His current system, including filtration, is about 2,000 gallons. In conjunction with Edward Brookshire, Paul owns and operates

There will be a raffle at the end of the meeting for a RO/DI unit from AWI! Hope to see you all there!

Thats one hell of a door prize. Couple hunderd dollars worth there...Im glad I will be at the meeting.

Anyone taking good notes? I'd like to see some of the good stuff, even if it is just highlights and research points since i'm a few thousand miles from attending. If possible, i'm sure cliff notes for those that can't make it would be appreciated. I'd be happy with "X-species bad, generally why, do your own research for the rest" type highlights.

P.S. Fire coral contact sucks for a day or 3. Things you learn down south...
Haha, actually WAY down south. You know, the really sensitive place. The back of my knee hurt for a few days :)
To sweeten the raffle pot, the guys from Phatfrags are donating 3 chalices. A Miami hurricane, a mummy eye and a gold digger! How awesome is that?!
Don't forget the meeting today at 7! There will be some great giveaways! For those of you who haven't picked up their membership badges I'll be bringing them again tonight.
Thanks to Paul for yet another very informative presentation.

And thanks to COMAS for the new RODI!

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Thank you everyone who attended the meeting tonight. A special thank you to Dr Paul Whitby for a great presentation and to T-Boner and Scuba Steve from Phatfrags for donating 3 very nice chalices to raffle.