August Meeting?


Active member

So where is the August meeting going to be held? An email went out and no one responded. :(

Does anyone care to host this meeting? I suggest we stick to a regular time. The last few have been the second Thursday at 6:30. Does that still work for people or should we go back to the original weekend meetings? :confused:

Anyone willing to host the meeting please respond. I will host next month but can't this month.

If no one can host those of us who want to meet can meet somewhere else for some reef chat etc. :fish1:

We can't let this club fade away. Its been going strong and maybe its just the busyness of summer but we need to keep our meetings going.

Id be down to host, but im in key west until the very end of the month.

i agree we need to keep this club alive. maybe something exciting needs to be planned for the club besides going on tank tours every month... i dont know.. maybe a group trip to phx for a frag meeting or to the local fish stores down there... who knows...
Key West again!?!?

Kinda makes me wish I had family to visit down there.

And I agree totally. Maybe we should plan a group trip to FRAG or something a little more exciting. Sounds like a thing to discuss at this weeks meeting.