Aussie closed loop SPS reef.


New member
Hi all, thought I would start a thread over here on RC to document my new build. I'm only part way through getting everything started but it should be running in the near future. It will be an SPS reef with a couple of LPS thrown in for good measure. Circulation is closed loops through the base as you will see further on. Credit for many of the ideas here must go to our own RodtheReefer as his system is setup very similarly. He has a journal here as well.

System Objectives: Firstly to address many of the shortcomings that have become apparent in my first attempt at reefkeeping. Secondly to provide more room for the current inhabitants. And thirdly, this will be another stepping stone to a much larger system. I have more ideas I would like to explore along the way.

System Type: Mixed Reef.

Display System:

Strike up Date: Stardate - ahh not sure yet.

Display Tank: 140cmL x 60cmH x 75cmW

Display Lighting: 2 x 250W metal hallides in LumenBright mini reflectors, 15K Itzmatty bulbs. Possibly looking at either upgrading to 400W halides in larger reflectors, or keeping the current hallides and adding some T5s.

Stand: Steel, costructed from 50x50x2.5mm galvanised square tube. Will be enclosed with timber.

Hood: Enclosed timber with pc fans to vent the heat.

Sump: 4x2x18 racetrack style sump.

Refugium: Incorporated in the sump.

Refugium Lighting: T5 or 150W hallide.

Support systems:

System Water: Artificial Salt Water

Display Water circulation: Currently closed loop using 2 200PS-MD70R 1750GPH pressure rated Panworld pumps with eductors on the outlets. I will look at adding another pump if flow is insufficient. I have enough holes drilled that I could run 4 pumps if need be, but I doubt it will ever come to that.

Return Pump: Laguna 7500

Skimmer: Turbo built beckett powered by a Laguna 9000

Evaporation Top Up: Gravity fed auto topup

Chemical Support:

Calcium Addition: Turbo built Calcium reactor.

Alkilinity Addition: As above

Other Chemical Maintenance: Epsom salts dosed as needed. Activated carbon and Ecophos run in separate fluidised bed filters.

Current Water Chemistry:
Salinity / Specific Gravity:

Proposed fish list:

Already have:

1 Mimic Tang
1 Banana Wrasse
1 Koran Angel
1 Royal Dottyback
1 Rabbitfish

Would like to add - please share your opinions.

I would love to add an Emperor Angel as well, although I realise the tank is already on the small side for these fish once they are fully grown. Realistically the next upgrade is probably 2 years down the track. Again though, I have an 8x2x2 that could be pressed into service as a FO if need be.

Bicolour Blenny - so much character, it needs to be on the list.

Proposed inverts

2 cucumbers - already have these.

Emperor Shrimp

Coral Banded shrimp - I already have one of these.

Trochus and Turbo snails

Would dearly love a pair of Harlequin Shrimp.
This was the final sump design sent to the tank builder.

Drain -> Fuge with live rock -> DSB ->Macro -> Frags -> Return.

About half of the plumbing bits I will need for this build.


Thats about it so far. The tank is finished and here at my home now. I start building the stand in the next couple of days. Then we can start to mock up the plumbing and get things happening.

Thanks for looking.

jeez that thank has so many holes it could be sieve :) jokes.. cant wait to see the outcome there so many holes must = alot of thought put into this project..
Thanks Leslie. I've been kept awake at night thinking about this darn tank. I have never really embarked on a build like this before, so I'm quite nervous about how the whole thing will come together. I'm also quite exited at the same time and itching to get it up and running.

wow alot of planning into this!
cnt wait to see more. im in australiatoo n building a 10ft cnt wait to start my thread.
goodluck sounds awsum
Currently working on the stand. A few more hours work tomorrow should see it ready for paint. After that I'll sit the tank on the stand and start mocking up the plumbing (boy is that going to be a job and a half).

Apologies for the quality of the pic, it's off my phone. I'll get some better ones once it's painted.



The tank was built by Dennison at MaryAnnes Aquarium in Browns Plains. He is a pretty well regarded tank builder and I'm happy with the result so far.

Got the rest of my plumbing bits, bar a couple of fittings that I'll get locally.


I have some new SPS corals on the way in a couple of weeks time, so pushing to get the new tank ready. I can keep them in my current tank, but where's the fun in that. I'll get some pics of the new corals up soon.

Well, she's up there :thumbsup:

There was only two of us to lift the thing up there and I'm only a little guy, I was cursing my 110cm stand height for a bit, but we got it up.


Bulkheads in. I was going to use silicone like Rod the Reefer has, but at this stage I really don't have the time to wait for it to cure, so I will use the rubber gaskets.


DUBVs on. They all fit without too much drama. All bar one that is :wall:

One up the back right hand side, above the pumps, hangs down too close to the pump for the plumbing to clear the pump. I have three options:

1- I can use an elbow off the bottom of the bulkhead and have the valve horizontal off that bulkhead.

2- I can cut the thread shorter on that bulkhead, which will give me heaps of room.

3- I can move the pump, not ideal but may end up being the tidiest option.

