New member
Hi all, thought I would start a thread over here on RC to document my new build. I'm only part way through getting everything started but it should be running in the near future. It will be an SPS reef with a couple of LPS thrown in for good measure. Circulation is closed loops through the base as you will see further on. Credit for many of the ideas here must go to our own RodtheReefer as his system is setup very similarly. He has a journal here as well.
System Objectives: Firstly to address many of the shortcomings that have become apparent in my first attempt at reefkeeping. Secondly to provide more room for the current inhabitants. And thirdly, this will be another stepping stone to a much larger system. I have more ideas I would like to explore along the way.
System Type: Mixed Reef.
Display System:
Strike up Date: Stardate - ahh not sure yet.
Display Tank: 140cmL x 60cmH x 75cmW
Display Lighting: 2 x 250W metal hallides in LumenBright mini reflectors, 15K Itzmatty bulbs. Possibly looking at either upgrading to 400W halides in larger reflectors, or keeping the current hallides and adding some T5s.
Stand: Steel, costructed from 50x50x2.5mm galvanised square tube. Will be enclosed with timber.
Hood: Enclosed timber with pc fans to vent the heat.
Sump: 4x2x18 racetrack style sump.
Refugium: Incorporated in the sump.
Refugium Lighting: T5 or 150W hallide.
Support systems:
System Water: Artificial Salt Water
Display Water circulation: Currently closed loop using 2 200PS-MD70R 1750GPH pressure rated Panworld pumps with eductors on the outlets. I will look at adding another pump if flow is insufficient. I have enough holes drilled that I could run 4 pumps if need be, but I doubt it will ever come to that.
Return Pump: Laguna 7500
Skimmer: Turbo built beckett powered by a Laguna 9000
Evaporation Top Up: Gravity fed auto topup
Chemical Support:
Calcium Addition: Turbo built Calcium reactor.
Alkilinity Addition: As above
Other Chemical Maintenance: Epsom salts dosed as needed. Activated carbon and Ecophos run in separate fluidised bed filters.
Current Water Chemistry:
Salinity / Specific Gravity:
Hi all, thought I would start a thread over here on RC to document my new build. I'm only part way through getting everything started but it should be running in the near future. It will be an SPS reef with a couple of LPS thrown in for good measure. Circulation is closed loops through the base as you will see further on. Credit for many of the ideas here must go to our own RodtheReefer as his system is setup very similarly. He has a journal here as well.
System Objectives: Firstly to address many of the shortcomings that have become apparent in my first attempt at reefkeeping. Secondly to provide more room for the current inhabitants. And thirdly, this will be another stepping stone to a much larger system. I have more ideas I would like to explore along the way.
System Type: Mixed Reef.
Display System:
Strike up Date: Stardate - ahh not sure yet.
Display Tank: 140cmL x 60cmH x 75cmW
Display Lighting: 2 x 250W metal hallides in LumenBright mini reflectors, 15K Itzmatty bulbs. Possibly looking at either upgrading to 400W halides in larger reflectors, or keeping the current hallides and adding some T5s.
Stand: Steel, costructed from 50x50x2.5mm galvanised square tube. Will be enclosed with timber.
Hood: Enclosed timber with pc fans to vent the heat.
Sump: 4x2x18 racetrack style sump.
Refugium: Incorporated in the sump.
Refugium Lighting: T5 or 150W hallide.
Support systems:
System Water: Artificial Salt Water
Display Water circulation: Currently closed loop using 2 200PS-MD70R 1750GPH pressure rated Panworld pumps with eductors on the outlets. I will look at adding another pump if flow is insufficient. I have enough holes drilled that I could run 4 pumps if need be, but I doubt it will ever come to that.
Return Pump: Laguna 7500
Skimmer: Turbo built beckett powered by a Laguna 9000
Evaporation Top Up: Gravity fed auto topup
Chemical Support:
Calcium Addition: Turbo built Calcium reactor.
Alkilinity Addition: As above
Other Chemical Maintenance: Epsom salts dosed as needed. Activated carbon and Ecophos run in separate fluidised bed filters.
Current Water Chemistry:
Salinity / Specific Gravity: