Aussie closed loop SPS reef.

Here are a couple of pics of the skimmer, forgive the surrounding mess, it's still a work in progress :eek2:

This is the skimmer five minutes after cleaning the cup.


Here is a pic of the silencer I made out of an old pill bottle and a couple of short bits of tubing. With this, the skimmer is almost silent, without it, it hisses quite loudly.


The silencer with the bottle part removed.


As far as the plumbing goes, primarily this tank was designed with function first, form second, I wanted to achieve a large amount of flow and wasn't too concerned if the plumbing was visible. I am however, going to hide the outlets with flat pieces of rock, just as soon as I can get my hands on some appropriately sized pieces. We don't have a fish store where I live, so it means I have to wait until I go away to try to find the bits I need.



Ok so you have a closed loop system for flow, and you also have VorTech's, was the closed loop system not enough flow that you had to add the VorTechs or was it designed to be just enough with VorTechs too? Just trying to figure out why you have VorTechs if you have good flow with the CLS?
The closed loop provides heaps of flow. I only usually have one pump running at a time, although there is a bit of overlap in the morning when both run for 2 hours. I already had the Vortech in my old tank and thought I would put it in just to see if I could get a bit of wave action happening. The closed loop flow is way too strong to allow the Vortech to get any momentum, so no wave, I just haven't bothered taking it out yet. Lots of flow is good, so more must be better, right? ;)

Picked up some more fish for my reef yesterday. I got 15 Chromis Retrofasciata, or Black Bar Chromis.

A couple of quick pics before lights out last night.



Took a few more pics of the new fish. They are starting to spread out a bit now, but still stick fairly close to the corals and avoid the open water.



Everything has been going reasonably well over the last couple of months. Corals are growing well, many are starting to show some nice colour too. I still get a bit of algae growth, but I'm not going to try VSV dosing again just yet. I had a bit of an issue with my shopfitter halides a month or so back, the contacts to the bulbs where pretty average, resulting in the bulbs burning out quite quickly. I've had them repaired and now have new bulbs in, but I went a few weeks without light over my sump. I'll wait and see how the whole tank responds once the macro in the sump gets a foothold again, it's just getting going again now.

I've moved a couple of corals around as I begin to find which ones like the high intensity light, and which ones don't. I lost one colony last week, it had never shown a lot of growth, but was growing slowly. Seemed happy enough, but started to STN on one side. I fragged the bad bits off and made a couple of smaller frags as well, but they all carked it :dead: :(

All in all, I'm happy with how it's all going at this point in time. I do wish I could take a decent photo to show what things actually look like. If I don't use flash, the pics come out too dark, if I do use flash they seem washed out, so I don't know. Maybe a different ISO setting would help??

Here's a couple of todays photos.

I'm really loving this piece. It has a very light yellow/pink colour to it with light green polyps. It really pops under the radium bulb.


This piece is showing some good growth of late and always has ridiculous polyp extension. Nice colour to it too.


Nice Monti.


This is a frag that came with my last order of corals, growth has been great recently as well. (I must have hit a sweet spot as growth overall in the last month or so has been really good)


A staghorn frag I got from Adam007, is a little better coloured than the pic and growing well.


The beginnings of an LPS invasion?? Actually, the green hammer was my first ever coral. It was given to me by the LFS in Emerald in early '08 as "it was going to die anyway, so you may as well keep it for a few weeks" :roflmao: It was a fairly large skeleton with only a tiny bit still alive. The tips of the tentacles where all malformed and didn't have that characteristic hammer shape. I think it's come along fairly well. The other hammer I got as a frag from our MASRQ meet in August '08.



Superman monti. Although with the big polyp extension it always seems to just look red :nut:


I have a frag of this one in the frag comp, I hope it grows well :crossfingers:


Obligatory full tank shot.


And an end on shot with one CL pump running, just for something different.







And lastly, this pink table has to be the most bulletproof coral I have. Nothing ever seems to worry it, it always looks the same and just keeps on truckin!


And lastly a few minutes of video of the tank, taken today.
great job davez104...i like your fish choice...those chromis are really looking beautiful in the aquascape..what interest me most is your flow...weird at first glance,but after seeing for sometimes,it seemed to me as a really effective idea...but 3 of yours flow outlets are in do you plan to hide them by coral growth in the long run?...or do you want to keep them in open view..?
Thanks auem, the flow is pretty effective. I have a Vortech in there as well, but don't really need it. it's only there as I could bear to see it gathering dust.

This is only my second marine tank. My first tank had a few issues with lack of flow and other things, that I really wanted to address with this tank. I was more concerned with being being able to keep a successful reef than how the equipment looked. I think, in time, I can still manage to hide the outlets fairly well. I have some corals growing in front of some of the outlets that will grow up and cover them. In hindsight, if I had have made the tank a little wider and had the holes drilled a little further back from the front glass, it would have been easier to hide them. Something to keep in mind for the next upgrade hey? At the end of the day though, I'm not too concerned, my main objective was to have sufficient flow to keep the SPS happy, and so far it is proving successful, so I'm happy with it.

Nothing worth talking about :sad1:

I started running NP Biopellets not long after the last update, I started with 500ml in a fluid bed filter, within 4 days all corals where dead or dying. I removed the pellets immediately and did heaps of water changes but nothing seemed to help.

For the next month or so I worked hard at getting nitrate and phosphate back down to where they should be. I then introduced some more SPS frags only to have them all die over a period of a couple of weeks.

As it stands at the moment the tank has no coral in it and I'm not sure when I will attempt to introduce more. I think I will leave it run sans coral for 3 or 4 months at least then stick a tester frag back in. All the fish and clams have survived fine, snails etc are fine, it's only the corals that have been affected, so it's got me stumped :sad2:

There was a build where a skimmer pump exploded (not that this happened to you) and he lost just about every SPS that he had in a matter of days. some LPS and softies were fine as were his fish.

he did TONS of water changes, and still nothing. (ran tons of carbon and changed it weekly to see if it would help) nothing...

he came across this product (claimed that someone in the chemistry forum told him about it)
here is the product

and here is the thread to read on what it did for him.
Post 370 is where it starts.
Worth a look I guess, but I would have thought shrimps, snails and clams would have fared poorly if there was copper contamination? Thanks for the links, I'll look into it.
