Marcus - Glad you like. And I saw your sump ... it's incredible, you're gonna flip!
Pyotale - I'm going with the ATI Powermodule, 10 x 54W lamps. There's a separate fan for every 2 lamps, and the active cooling drastically increases the PAR. This will be the rate limiting step to me being able to stock the tank, as I don't expect the fixture to arrive for a while longer.
Marc, thanks for your well-wishes. As John mentioned, I been illin'. And the Dudester is a healthy dude, you know, runs marathons, works out 4-5 x/week. But this thing has really whooped me. Today I'm finally feeling a little better, so hopefully soon John and I will exchange out some of the LR that's in the tank for smaller pieces so we can take advantage of some of the real estate near the front glass panel. The aquascape is nice, but it's not perfect. I'll try to get a photo of what we've done, mostly so that there will be a version 1 and then, hopefully, a final version for the 'scape.