doctor64776 - Glad you found this thread, doc. I'll have more pics once the tank arrives and I can unpack all of the other goods.
jnarowe - Don't sell yourself short, you've got a ton of practical experience so please continue to give your comments. As Gabriel reiterated, the sump is indeed 3/4" acrylic. I considered a 1/2" thick sump initially, but due to the amount of equipment I plan to keep in there, I needed to go without bracing to provide more internal room, which is why I went with 3/4".
cbui - Yeah, I think Texas is becoming the rimless capital of the States. We're lucky to have AGE so close to us, and Kingfish here in Austin has a good business relationship with them, which makes acquiring these tanks a little easier. My office tank is also from AGE, and it's incredibly-well made, so I have no doubt that this rimless tank will be anything less than perfect. I can't wait for it to arrive.
As for your question about equipment, I could just provide a list, but I think I'll wait until I unpack it all, and I'll post photos instead of just a description. Reefers like pics, right?
gkarshens - Thanks a lot for the offer, we can surely use your help! The rules mandate that you tell me your favorite beer if you're going to be helping.
Now just where is that UPS guy?