Finally, something to talk about
Finally, something to talk about
The tank's just been percolating for a while, without much action at all. That finally changed. I mentioned I had lots of copepods on the glass, and now I'm seeing a ton of amphipods crawling all over the aquascape. The sand is developing worm tunnels, along with an ugly coating of film on the surface. But more importantly ...
I'm now officially a ZEOvit dude! I chose to use this form of filtration due to the glowing results I've seen in many of the European tanks, particularly those lit with T5's, as I intend to do. The corals just seem to have richer, purer coloration than most other systems, in my opinion. I also like the fact that it's a fantastic method to keep phosphates under control, which seems to be a hastle even for many of the more experience reefers out there.
I received my reactor late last week but didn't have time to begin setting it up until yesterday. It's a GroTech reactor and came with an Eheim 1250. Here's how it looks.
The reactor didn't come with a manual, and you wouldn't believe how difficult it was for me to figure out how to get it situated and running. First of all, being a German product, all of the plumbing is in metric sizes. This mattered because the Eheim puts out 317 gph, and I need to run only 150-170 gph through the reactor. I wanted to dial down the flow from the pump but instead thought I'd try to dial it down from the effluent plumbing, which is closer to 1", in order to conserve space in the sump. When I dialed down the effluect flow with the ball valve I installed, it simply flooded the top off of the reactor, rendering this option a dud. So I looked around my tank supplies and happened upon a MaxiJet600 which, as fortune would have it, puts out 160 gph. Perfect! I rigged this up to fit into the 20mm reactor inlet plumbing by wrapping the MJ outlet with teflon tape, and I squeezed this into a segment of 1/2" nylon tubing. This was secured with a plastic hose clamp, and the assembly was inserted into the 20mm plumbing. Here's how it looks.
It's now running in the sump, although it takes up more room than I had anticipated. Once I add the gate valve to the Eheim pump, I'm not sure I'll have room in the sump for this.