Automated webcam


New member
Hey all, does anyone have experience setting up a webcam and automating it so you can check on your tank remotely?

I'm fairly technologically inclined, but I have no clue how to go about doing this, and would like to understand what I would need in terms of hardware, software, and third-party services (e.g., ftp, x-drive, etc., if any) before I go out and shop for webcams. A point in the right direction would be great.
I have had a couple different webcams over the years, and I most recently have used a pan/tilt/zoom webcam from sony that has a built in ethernet port and web server. You plug it directly into a router, and you can control the webcam and view it over the internet. Mine is currently down since I took my tank down, so I can't show you unfortunately. If you want something like this, you're looking at a cost of around $1k. Mine is the SNC-RZ30N, and I think I paid $1250 for it.

Canon also appears to have a PTZ webcam these days that looks similar, and it might be worth looking into if it has better image quality or other features.
Dlink makes a model in the 300.00 range. For work I order quite a few from AXIS...They make some really solid cams... I have a set-up at work that has 15 different cams I can check from anywhere, then my CEO's house has a 5 cam wireless sony system I installed and it can be checked from the web as well.. Techniligy has come a long way...All you need is the cam and regster with a DDNS service if you have dynamic IP...The rest is childs play...
What if I just ran a plain 'ole webcam without bells, whistles and built-in server (say, <$100)? I could hook it up to my desktop as a server...would that work?

I'm not looking for hi-res contest-winning pictures, I just want to make sure everyone's alive and well while I'm traveling. I will look into the Dlink model however, sounds pretty good.