How do you shrink a photo to make it small enough to make an avatar? I'm looking to change mine out with this picture. Would it be better to crop the pic before shrinking?
Lots of people are having trouble with this so I'm gonna write a little tutorial for this and add it to the sticky thread at the top of the forum.
Re. the small version steve68 did for you- the dimensions are right but the file size is too big, as you found out. It needs to be compressed down to fit the size limit (8.192k).
Hmm- that is a problem- I'm on a PC and the tutorial I'm gonna write won't help you I think. Unless you have Photoshop?
I'll see if I can find someone who uses Macs to write a tutorial.
For PC users this Reefkeeping Magazine article has tutorials for resizing and posting pictures with Photoshop and the free program Irfanview. To create custom avatars the long side of the image needs to be 150 pixels or less and the maximum file size is 8.192k. When a Mac tutorial is written I'll post a link
If you need to adjust quality, you need another application. Photoshop Elements or Photo are ideal but if you don't have either you can do it in Preview.
Use the steps that I mentioned above. Open the resulting file in Preview.
Do File/Save As and adjust the quality down until the saved file is under the size limit. For an avatar 50% is probably safe.
Save the file and do a "get info" on the file to see if it's under 8K (CMD + i)
I have the file in Preview, when I go to File/Save As, it doesn't give me an option of reducing the size. Just Save as: and you name the file and underneath that Where: you chose where you want the file saved.
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