baby brittle star photos


New member
To see images of my baby Brittle stars click HERE Let me know what you think. I stayed up until the wee hours to get these photos! I should add these little ones are always in the exact same parts of the rock. I suspect they are territorial already!

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ah, the wonders of natural filtration (live rock, live sand, refugiums, etc.) :)

Thanks kindly for sharing the images. I know it was tough to get them. Alas, the resolution is not clear enough to tell much/ID them. But no worries... they got this far without target feeding or your help much (beyond your good general aquarium husbandry)... they likely still don't need you ;)

Some flourish in the sand, some ion the rocks as you have noticed... some are filter feeders (you'll typically just see their tentacles sticking out of the rocks) while others (like yours here likely) each larger matter and can be seen fully in plain view.

best regards,

Glad you enjoyed the photos. The size was 5mega pixel through a microscope mounted in front of the tank. These guys really are only about 3-5mm in diameter at this point. The image clarity would be much better if the rock was closer to the front of the tank. My scope focal depth is only about 25cm and I pushed it with an optical trick using the camera focus and a hand lense. I'll try to get f/u photos periodically. If I go by the parent(s) this guy probably eats detritis and whatever floats by. Thanks again.
