
New member
They are about just under a week old and I have yet to see these things eat. I have live brine in the tank.

Any thoughts?
Try mysis shrimp. They seem to like shrimp the most. I fed it a shore shrimp which it ate after spending 10 minutes in the tank. I have since tried brine shrimp, crabs and hermit crabs. None worked.
sepia bandensis will not eat any brine nor will any other cephalopod! They need heavy feedings of mysis shrimp, pods and, shore shrimp as they get older. Hatchlings dont eat for a while after they hatch because they are still using their yolk sac. However i would hurry up and give them some suitable food unless you want them to starve.

Good Luck
The cephalopod page (ceph base)
Daisy Hill Cuttlefarm
tonmo (obviously)

My newly hatched bandensis did the same thing, went for a week or two before eating anything. When they start eating though, get ready! They eat crazy amounts of mysis.
I didn't know Thales ran the site. I always thought it was Richard Ross, I guess because of the article. Well how about that! Thales, wow, I didn't know you were so involved in breeding projects with these guys. I like the clothing store. The intimate clothing is hilarious!
Yes, Thales is Richard Ross...(I think)...

His 100+ gallon cuttlefish breeding system is amazing. I want to set something like that up for a couple of stomatopods...