Back From California...Got to the Aquarium of the Pacific!


New member
Got back late Monday night from LA (I came home Tuesday night after work and crashed for three hours...thus missing the meeting I :mad: ). Randy & I did get to visit the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach while we were there. It was a beautiful aquarium with many different display tanks. I was a bit put off about half way through because I hadn't seen much reef stuff, then we rounded a corner and there were some awesome tanks! That's where I shot most of the pics. Enjoy!



Thanx for the compliment! I am especially fascinated with the jellies! I could sit and watch them for hours...wonder what it would take to set up one of those tanks :D .
Man, it's already after 11:30...I've gotta get to bed! I'll get some more pics up's three more before I crash...




Randy took that last one...I won't take credit for it ;) .
Getting ready to post some more pics! Believe it or not, there were actually reef tanks there! Here ya go!



Very cool Kat. Great pics!! The Catalina Gobys and Strawberry Anemones are beautiful! Just wish they didnt need temperate water!
Great pics, Kat. Looks like you had a nice trip. I thought that big window was at the Monterey Bay Aquarium? Or maybe they have one like it.
That "big window" is the large main display tank in the main hall of the aquarium. It was quite impressive and we caught it just in time to see the divers in the tank feeding the fish. It was a local "kelp forest" habitat that was really cool...didn't get too many good pics because it was dark and my flash kept bouncing alot off the thick plexi.