Background for my 180


New member
ok so when I set up my tank I was talking to a friend and he convinced me not to paint the back of my tank black... and well I listened... so when we were building his tank I FINALLY convinced him to paint his and now all he does it rave about how glad he is that he painted the back black and how I need to..... so what are some suggestions as to putting something back there.... if I were to attempt to roll it what paint would be safe if any to roll behind the tank. I was thinking about some black acrylic slid back there but if salt came between it I think it would look worse than seeing through it now....

Thanks in advance...
how far from the wall is it?

if u can't paint it, try the following:

1) paper
2) the backgrounds at the LFS
3) automobile tint

just pull it around and use masking tape to hold it up
It is far enough to where I can roll it I was just worried about anything funky being in the paint or the drying process....
as long as you clean that surface really well before painting it, you should have no problem rolling on a coat of paint. Lets be real here, salt creep doesnt really creep that fast, so you shouldnt get salt between the glass and the paint.
Its not...its way way better. Ive used both reg. background, paint, and Oceansvisions. If you had a new tank and some ventilation, I would recommend spray painting just because its cheap and easy. But OceansVisions is a great alternative. In That Fish Place...they use the blue version on their big 500g tank. The cool thing is its an in-wall tank and behind the background they set up a VHO bulb arrary up towards the top of the tank. The background lights up and has an incredible gradient from top to really looks neat!

Good luck on whatever you choose.

I know salt wont get between paint and glass, I was worried about a backing and glass with saltcreep, sorry if I worded it wierd.
If you have a plastics store near you, pick up some Cloroplast in the color of your choice. It is a plastic cardboard. It is water resistant and light weight. I have it applied to the back of my 210 with double sided tape. A 72"x 29" piece ran me about $11 at Regal Plastics in Fort Worth, TX. If you are up this way, I have enough of the blue and black available if you would want some. The black is 72"x27" and the blue is 72"x29". You can trim it down to fit your 180.

Here is the link to my tank, Tremelle's 210 Setup. You can see the black background.