Bad experience

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sorry, for your bad experience you had on Sunday. I didnt arrive until 1pm that day, Were you there earlier? This is the first I've heard of this. I would have been more than happy to have given you a fish bag for free. I apologize if the employee you talked to was rude or uncooperative. Vinh doesnt work there on Sundays because that's his only day off of the week. I try to assist and treat customers the same way that he would of if he had been there. If there's a situation that I cant solve on my own at the store, then I will call him on his day off to solve the matter. At OB, we try to help out customers as much as possible. As for the prices...I've heard from some people say that they are high, but we try our best to price the fish and dry goods accordingly. A lot of the prices are matched with, but customers would save on the shipping. I believe the main reason the prices could be high is because of the high overhead costs. I'm sure that location in Winter Park is not cheap to lease out. If you do have a problem or any suggestions about the store, please feel free to talk to Vinh on any day except Sunday. He will be more than happy to listen as well as help you out with whatever problems you have.
Thanks, Hawk. I'm glad to hear that OB has employees that care. I really do like the store and enjoy coming in. I could not believe that this happened. I guess it would have been better to wait until you were there. I went early, because he caught the shrimp early in the day and I was excited about my new little pet. The guy you have working in the day does not care about Vinh or Ocean Blue if he doesn't care about customers. In retail business, the customer is the number one priority. I understand the pricing, but I'll pm you with a few thoughts. I don't want my relationship to be spoiled with Ocean Blue, but I cannot come to the store and not get service...if there are three people looking around the store and three employees, they should be helped. I don't mind waiting if there were people ahead of me or if only one guy is there, but when you have the employees and the resources you might as well use them. I wish this was an isolated incedent, but it seems like other people have had the same issues with service. You have at least given me OB's point of view on the situation, and I appreciate that. Seems like you actually and genuinely care. Thanks.
One thing, jawaiianmon, praise in public, punish in private?! Are you kidding? So everybody that has had a good experience with a store should talk about it, but people with problems should not? If this is true, then every store, not only in Orlando, but all over America, is the best store in the world. Customer service is amazing at every store around the world?? The products at every store are high quality and healthy?? Every single item sold from every single store is priced well and is the highest quality product in the world?? That is impossible...without proper feedback, noone would know any truths about any store or personal seller. Everyone would just assume that the feedback they read is all true and from all sides and will only read good things about every store. That gives noone any scale to judge any store. Can't have good without bad and conversly the same. I didn't want to just bring this up with Vinh because service is something that needs to be there when you walk in, not after you leave the store.

This was something that people should know about and I don't think it's right for you to judge my actions negatively if I cannot do the same about a place I actually shop at and know. You do not know me, just my words from this post, and yet you still think it is okay to say that I am wrong, which is a God-given right of yours. I wholeheartedly agree with your right to say so and I welcome this kind of constructive criticism. But when you say I should not do the same, and that is where the criticism lies, it seems a little hippocritical. I'm not trying to be rude, just trying to give a little constructive criticism as you have. Maybe even a different way to look at my comments. By all means, please keep the criticism coming. I welcome it as I only strive to get better as a person and as a human soul, and I'm not even trying to make customers. True caring businessmen welcome a challenge from a customer, because it is there chance to learn and build from mistakes and to prove that customer right or wrong.

Let me just reitterate, I am not trying to start fights with people and I'm not trying to say that OB sucks, and I am definitely not trying to say your comment was wrong. I am just trying to say that if you would like to judge my actions, or in this case reactions, then I should be allowed to have those reactions. As my comments have justified reasoning and experience with the place I am judging, yours are based on a few lines of one post that I wrote. Who has more reason to praise or punish, me against Ocean Blue's service, or you against my few comments.

Judge not, unless you judge yourself. Judge not, for your not ready for judgement. The road to life is rocky and you may stumble too. But while you're laughing at me someone else is judging you.
And just because Vinh is your friend doesn't mean he is impervious to making mistakes (even though this one was not him, or his fault at all). I mean, I am an awesome person and I like myself immensly, maybe going so far as loving myself. But even I know that I make mistakes (allbeit, extremely rarely...come to think of it only once in my life)J/K...

I make more mistakes than most, but what sets me apart is the true desire and will to fix these mistakes when I can and learn from them when I cannot. Oh, and apologize to everyone I meet from the first moment I meet them...I've learned this solves a lot of issues before they start.LOL
i agree with you 100% cschweitzer
if you never tell anyone about a problem it never gets fixed and others should know about these problems so that if they go somewhere, where a problem has been occuring and they recieve very good service then, they can relay back that the problem has been fixed. just my .02
Re: Bad experience

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6950543#post6950543 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by cschweitzer

I wish I could truely express my severe distaste for that guy and his unique outlook on making and keeping customers. OB is still okay (well over-priced, but okay), but the guy who was working on Sunday needs a serious attitude adjustment.

You can express your distaste for this guy by telling Ocean Blue about it. I know you are not complaining about the store or the bag, but the employee. By posting this you are making people think they have poor customer service which is far from the truth. I went in there today and was greated by every employee there, and they all were busy with customers. In my opinion I don't think this is a place to complain about an employee of a store. You should talk to the owner/manager and if they dont fix it then you should post here. And by fix it I mean have them bring it to the employee's attention and if it happens again then they can take the proper action.

Wouldn't you let Marcye @ SITC know if one of her employees treated you rudely before posting something like this?

On the other hand I'm sure you were ticked off and just wanted to hear if others had the same problem. And I would be just as mad if I was treated rudely by someone. But please next time attempt to fix it with someone that can actually do something about it....and that is how this thread is doing more damage than it should because problems will keep happening until it is brought to the owner/manager's attention. The store will appreciate that you did.
That is also why i said it needs to be brought to eveyones attention b/c you have come back and said you got great service there which i am sure you did which hopefully builds peoples confidence in the store if they had had a bad experience in the past hopefully they will be willing to give it another shot b/c of the great service you recieved. That way everyone gets to hear feedback on a particular store whether it be bad or really good. I am not saying anything about any particular store more of the actual process of letting everyone know about good and bad experiences and i do not think people should jump down others throats b/c they like a store and someone complains that they recieved bad service there. I am not directing this at anyone i am just giving my opinion on expressing one's experience whether good or bad.
None of Marcye's employees would EVER treat me (or anyone that walked into her store) the way this guy did. If they did, Marcye would not have them working for her. The customer service you received today is great and I'm glad you're happy. Only comforting thought I have is maybe this thread right here was the reason you got great customer service...maybe not.

If you have read this whole thread, you will see this is not an isolated incedent; it has happened to me the last two times I was there and there were a few other people that were happy to chime in that the same exact type of service has happened to them.

One thing I said before is that service has to be provided when you walk in and are a customer, it cannot be provided, or "fixed" afterwards. I'm sure if I talk to Vinh personally and told him I spend every penny I earn on reefs, and that they have been lackluster in service the last couple of times, he would remember me and treat me well. That fine and good for me. But what about the next enthusiastic caretaker that walks in there looking like me. It will not change anything. Getting in the open and in public is the only way for real change to occur.

If I went into Ocean blue and they were kind, should I go back to Vinh and thank him, or should I post up here on RC, "I walked into OB, and they were awesome...Great service, right as I walked in to the store." You telling me not to post a bad experience here is hilarious, though. Especially when you start by saying, "I went in there today and was greated by every employee there, and they all were busy with customers. In my opinion I don't think this is a place to complain about an employee of a store."

You just posted a complimentary post about every customer service representative at Vinh's store...any chance you should have kept that to yourself and just told Vinh about the great quality of service you received? That's what you're asking me to do. Vinh, after all, is the only one who can do something to keep up the good quality of service, right? Who are you to tell a disgruntled customer not to post something negative, when you are a happy customer posting positive?! Anyone else catch the irony behind this?? Post your experiences, as long as they're good one's. Just like the American philosophy: Land of the free as long as you live and abide by every rule that we set for you. The wheels of society are greased and running smoothly, I guess.

I love conversations like this because it goes far beyond just one store's service, but more into many ethical issues of the day. Noone is right, but at the same time everyone is right. it all comes down to perception and how each person separately would have handled this situation. Thanks to everyone who had differing ideas on how I should have handled this, but I still feel my course of action was not only correct, but also necessary for our club and Ocean Blue to progress. I'm sure someone will most likely mention this to Vinh and he will probably read it at some point, and maybe even chime in his side of the story if he gets a chance.
In my opinion, if you wanted to give someone another chance you would let them know what was wrong the first time. That's the point I am trying to make here.

When you complain on RC you are telling people not to go there no matter how you word it. You shouldnt treat a sponsor that way without trying to fix it first. Does anyone agree with that?
I don't think I should have to complain for someone to actually perform at their job and do it well. Is it just me that thinks hard work and ethics have been lost when the only way for something to be done right is to complain and moan until someone changes their ways and actually does THEIR JOB? It's not my job to be customer service and it is not my job as a consumer to manage a store and its employees. This should be done by the time a customer walks in, not after complaints...Five star restaurants and hotels don't wait for complaints, in fact they do not allow any reason for complaints, they stop the activity that would cause complaints before they occur. They wouldn't be considered great if they didn't.

A sponsor's employees shouldn't treat ME that way, especially when it's not my job to fix their store. I also don't understand how many times I have said, it is not Vinh and not Ocean Blue. You are the one who has brought this conversation from a single entity towards the whole proprietorship, not me. If anyone should be apologizing to Vinh, it is people sticking up for him. He has done nothing wrong and should be left out of the conversation regarding one employee of a store.
By the way, if you didn't want your views and your distaste shown with me, you could have pm'ed me instead of posting right on this board. If you really wanted to give me a second chance you probably would have done that. But instead you post in public for everyone to view your feelings about me and my actions...oh, and also brings the thread back up to the top of the list. Congrats on doing the exact opposite of what you've been hoping to prove to me.

You could have easily tried to pm or e-mail me as my e-mail is public, or pm'ed me on ORCA, but you didn't. You morally judged my actions in a public forum, the exact thing you didn't want me to do with the ONE employee which is connected to the rest. How does that make me look to disagree with my actions in public about me disagreeing with someone else's actions in public?
But at this point, please don't pm me, anything you say to, or about, me can be said in front of this group. I don't mind...I can take it and will defend myself as long as I feel I am in the right. Like I said, I'm not getting frustrated and I'm not trying to frustrate anyone else. These are the kind of discussions that I live for. We all leave with different ideas than one another, but we gain a little understanding from all sides. I would love for you to prove to me that I was wrong for the actions I produced.
By the way, read ORCA's mission statement...particularly line two:

Promote better standards for LFS

I think that is as important as saving our reefs
Please try and argue against our mission statement...thought I would save that as a trump card for later in the discussion.
Craig I am not morally trying to judge you. I just have an opinion on a different way to solve the matter. I really didn't think you would react like this otherwise I wouldn't have posted anything. And I usually don't post that much here. I am not trying to attack you man. I just wanted you to clearly see my point. It's obvious that we see differently here so let's just leave it at that.
I understand this and never believed you were trying to attack me. I was just making a simple point, I was not actually angry with what you said. Just trying to prove that people can interpret things differently. You don't think you're attacking me, and I don't think you're attacking me, but it could be misconstrued that way by an innocent bystander who might get the wrong impression of me or my thoughts. Just as I was not attacking Ocean Blue or Vinh and I don't think he would feel that way if he impartially read this post, but some people(you in this case) do feel that I was. I am not reacting in anger and I don't think either side should apologize, because we are just having a discussion. I do see your points and I do understand what you are saying, but I feel that even though I have written pages in this thread, a sentance here and a sentance there might be taken the wriong way, and I don't think you are realizing where I am coming from. Once again, this is just a discussion and I'm not trying to attack anyone, just as you stated you are meaning no harm or ill will.

I appreciate your comments and at no point do I think you should not be allowed to freely express them. I just think that comments telling people they are wrong for freely expressing their views is off kilter a little. It is your view that my view is wrong, but I don't have a problem with that. I actually enjoy it. It keeps me from being bored while I'm involved in a lot of monotonous work.

The reason I asked you not to pm me is not because I don't like you or your ideas, I just think our ideas should be freely expressed with the group as a whole, not bottled up so nobody knows. At worst, people can take solice in the fact that they are not discussing such stupid stuff, like me. If I can bring a smile to just one little childs face...then it's worth it. LOL.

No hard feelings all around (except for that one guy who wouldn't give me a bag...there are hard feelings there, but I digress) this forum, this club, and our sponsors. I do not want OB to leave the partnership with ORCA, and I am not calling for a ban of OB on ORCA. I will state this one last time: Ocean Blue is a great store, usually, and I have sang their praises many times. I just feel we should be completely honest with one another in such a communal group. Express not only the good, but also the bad.
i know the actual person you are complaining about csc, i believe his name is harry. he has a website up at im been using his coral vibrance for my 180g reef and the corals seem to like it. i come on in on sundays and he's usually there. he was helpful in showing me how to install my ROunit
Coral Vibrance is a great product...I now discover made by a mean person, but I still like the product and will continue to use it and promote it to others. I think a really great guy is his partner and that trumps the mean guy anyway. Did you buy the ro unit at the same time he was helpful?? Sometimes when you show that you will be spending a lot, people can become very helpful very quick. I don't want to have to show people my wad of cash before they suddenly become interested in my business. I like a store where I can go in with ten cents or a thousand dollars and be treated the same way, like a decent human being. Man should not be judged by the weight of his wallet, but by the weight of his heart.
hey cschweitzer not to add to the fire but have you ever thought that this guy doesn't know who you are and gets asked by everyone for free stuff all day? i doubt he gets paid enough for that. and isn't the ORCA mission statement leaning more toward promoting better fish health and coral care at the lfs rather than giving free o2 and free bags? i don't know who this guy is but i dont think he will be there long if he is nasty to everyone. ;)
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