Bad Red Sea salt

By tossing out the buckets so Jeremy can't pick them up or test them for quality issues you may have well just lit a 100 dollar bill. I wouldn't expect any retailer to refund me for something I cannot give them back.
Hi Ralph,

You originally stated to me that the calcium was precipitating from the mix after it went into solution, causing the walls of your mixing container to be covered in what you thought to be calcium. If the calcium percipitated you would not be getting levels of 500ppm, but rather somewhere down around 35 - 150ppm of calcium.
FWIW I've used Red Sea for a couple years and it's normal for it to leave a residue in the mixing container. The parameters were fine.
i had this problem when i bought a large bucket of salt, but it was my fault as to why i was getting precipitating or what i thought was precipitating, i was mixing the salt to fast and to much at one time, slowing down and taking my time was the cure...
I solve the problem with a box of tunze salt,as far as getting by money back from premium aquatics for Bad Red Sea it will never happen

I have refunded both buckets of salt to you in full, $101.78, as a one time courtesy to you. Going forward we will not be able to do any refunds without getting the product back. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to call me at 317-895-9005.


I have refunded both buckets of salt to you in full, $101.78, as a one time courtesy to you. Going forward we will not be able to do any refunds without getting the product back. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to call me at 317-895-9005.


You are a better man then I Jeremy. I would have told this guy "Here's your money back but DON'T ever visit our website again."
You are a better man then I Jeremy. I would have told this guy "Here's your money back but DON'T ever visit our website again."

That might be a little harsh. I think Jeremy worded it best. No refunds without returned product... ya can't please everyone though.
That might be a little harsh. I think Jeremy worded it best. No refunds without returned product... ya can't please everyone though.

Did you read this thread and read this guys posts? He was NEVER civil about the whole thing. He was very snide and demanding. Yet would not return the product or work with Jeremy in any way. Oh yeah and all this over a little residue in his mixing vessel. :headwalls:
Did you read this thread and read this guys posts? He was NEVER civil about the whole thing. He was very snide and demanding. Yet would not return the product or work with Jeremy in any way. Oh yeah and all this over a little residue in his mixing vessel. :headwalls:

I know. I know. But everyone should be given the benefit without a doubt at least once. Jeremy handled it the right way.
I have been biting my tongue on this post not only because this guy sounds so unreasonable and because I know Jeremy is such a fair and good guy, but did anybody also notice one of this guy's responses where he put in the little figure shooting a gun?! What is that supposed to mean?!
I think we can all agree, Jeremy DId much more than would be expected.

This will end up locked soon if the discussion continues.
Jeremy is great. This guy deserved nothing. He clearly had no idea what he was talking about with regard to calcium level and precipitation, and threw away the evidence before anyone who did know what they were doing could test the salt. Another huge +1 for Premium Aquatics. If that guy had an honest bone in his body he would not take the refund.
PA and Jeremy are my #1 online vendor. The very few issues I have had over the past decade were ALWAYS taken care of in a quick and professional manner in which PA went far beyond my expectations.

This case is no exception. PA went above and beyond what anyone thought they should do or were obligated to do for RGibson. Based on his posts, he was rude, condescending, and proved he had little knowledge of what he was talking about. PA's response and actions concerning this issue illustrates a true ethical approach to customer relations. Kudos to PA!!!

And as far as RGibson not deserving anything, I'm not so sure about that. I just don't think what he deserved was his money back. ;)

All in all, this thread has said a ton about what type of company ethics are employed by PA, and what kind of person RGibson is.