Bambam Zoas shrinking and turning pale


New member

Guys my zoas specially the bambams turns pale and are always half open.

My water parameters are: (all tested using API test kits)
NO3 : 5ppm
PO4 : undetectable
Alk : 8
Ph : 8.2
CA : 420

Dont have a Mag tester.

I'm using leds, and they have been in that place ever since.

Light intensity maximum was Ch1 55 Ch2 50

And my live rocks are full of the dark maroon-like algae, dont know if its macro but its a nuisance since the zoas dont spread over them, are these Dinos? they are not slimy and has a carpet-like texture when touched.
They are probably cyanobacteria and you should try to eliminate them. It's not THAT bad! I would start with 10% water changes and see what happens. That should help your nitrates too!!! You could try some carbon also. Make sure there is enough water flow and I don't know about your LEDs, but that could be part of the Cyano problem too.

Make sure your temperature isn't too high (above 82°F or so).

There are so many reasons that could be related to your polyps looking like that!! Many variables!! Start with the cyano problem and I hope that should do it.

Good luck!

i just stop using carbon, thought that might be a cause. thinking also of not using bio pellets for the meantime. can vinegar help eliminate cyano?
And my temperature was ranging from 28.9 to 30 celsius
Well, you should think about using carbon again. That would help...
Try to do the water changes and that is going to give the system some relief.

I wouldn't play with vinegar/vodka now, no.
Perhaps it's best to solve your problems simply first and then try pellets.
I'm not a fan of pellets either. It's really unnecessary for most systems.

Please get the temperature down to around 25°- 26°C if you can. That would be much better!

less light, run a gfo, and keep your salinity stable as well as other parameters. Really take a look at the base of the zoa. check for algae growth, or cyano. these both realllly irritate a zoanthid.