I really feel like USA could produce all of our own SPS corals. I have trouble selling locally lots of supply little demand for the common SPS frags. BAN all imported SPS to save oceans and stimulate USA economy? Just a friendly discussion
You are definitely being judgmental. The point of me sharing the selling and supply/demand was to show that there are so many frags out there that maybe we could produce enough home grown supply in the USA to keep up with demand. Thanks for basically calling me weird. merry Christmas to you too.
The way you phrased it doesn't sound that way, it sounds more like you're trying to sell stuff nobody wants and then complaining about it. That kind of polarized the conversation is an extremely negative light. So even if he were being judgemental, you definitely sounded like you were being judgemental in your opening statement to the entire hobby.
As an FYI, If you try and sell high end frags, people literally outbid one another, supply cannot possibly keep up with demand when you have something worth having. It's almost impossible to find anything good out there, and my area is THE mecca for reef keepers. I don't know where you're from, but the only place that can even stand in the shadow of what Southern California offers us is Florida -- Cali has more of everything than anybody, as well as the majority of the wholesalers in the nation.
And you know what I have REAL trouble finding? Nice sticks. Anybody who isn't from here would say I'm crazy. But for many of us down here, the only way to find something unique, colorful, interesting, and uncommon is to hunt Aussie SPS imports. The stuff that fails to impress me is like a wet dream to 99% of reefers outside of the area. So I can definitively tell you -- We definitely need imports to keep coming our way.
coral reefs were commonly mined for building materials like Concrete and Cement. Any guesses whose leading the charge to stop that?
The global fish trade has actually greatly helped reefs. Fisherman used to catch and eat little reef fish and some have been fished into functional extinction. Suddenly, people showed up telling them these little bite sized colorful fish were worth a lot of money. This made their lives better as it brought income, jobs, agriculture, education, and sustainable foodstuffs that aren't bite-sized fish. This has had a noted positive impact in many small undeveloped regions. Look at some of the MACNA speeches about this very subject.
This also doesn't even touch on the fact that us as reefkeepers have LARGE supplies of corals that we can use to help repopulate reefs in the case of extreme cataclysmic emergency. Have you ever heard of the world seed bank? We have the largest seed bank of every known species of plant in the world in case of emergency. It's deep underground in a snowy region where it's impossible for the seeds to be contaminated with foreign pollen. This is literally a global restart that has been put in place with 10's of millions of dollar and support from almost every country on the planet because we all realize there *could* be a cataclysmic event one day.
We reef keepers are the closest thing to that seed bank for coral reefs -- which are arguably one of the most important ecosystems on earth.
technology on reef tanks is getting better and how much more info is out there on growing SPS I think imports will slowly fade with the increase on growth
Growing Technology on reefs doesn't give me a new colored Acro. What makes reefs exciting is the new. If every coral that would ever be discovered were already discovered and available we'd all burn out and most people would tire of reefing. That's like not buying the new 2016 BMW because they already made one in the 1970's
Are there coral police? I'm mainly being silly. but if people depend on corals to put food on their plate...how do we know they don't harvest ocean colonys in the dark of the night then chop up the wild colony, encrust it and call it a home grown mariculture coral.
Yes, there are coral police. CITES and MAC certification is a thing, it's set up by the large exporters themselves to make sure that corals are there for tomorrow.
Maricultured corals are NOT done by some random person, but by huge coral export corporations. There is no "in the dark of the night", there's no market where shady back-alley coral deals go down. These people are
employees of LARGE global coral exporters.
Here's some easy research. Merry christmas!
Mac Certification
Coral Reef Conservation (AKA, reef fish die out from eating not reef keeping)
"What does it take? Who benefits? What have we learned?" (AKA, How reefing has brought Agriculture, Technology, Jobs, Education and more to rural areas)
Restoring Coral Reefs (AKA, how human suck -- Spoiler -- bacteria in fecal matter destroying many reefs)
EDIT: BUT, things are still not so nice for fish import / export. Corals have come a long way, but fish have a lot way to go yet
The truth behind sustainability -- Cairs Marine (AKA, don't trust the Indo Pacific, ever)