Banggai - Can you tell sex?


Premium Member
Here is a picture of my Banggai Cardinal ... Can you tell the sex based on this web site?

What do you think this guy is, male or female based on what you see from that site.

well lets see, from K Clarkes site (I will contact keith after this to ask for his expert opinion. I can't tell a thing about this fish except its healthy. But I will take a totally uneducated guess since i can't see the fish move, and have a great veiw of the total body. If you look at the images from my BR article you can get an idea of how i sex these critters. I must say that if the fish is under 1.5" all bets are off, so w/ that in mind. Here is how i sex these fish now. Males have trapizodal body shapes, more angles to the lower regions like between the anal fins, and pectoral fins. Also sexually mature males have a more rounded less angluar jawline. Females have very round bodys(again refer to my BR article, and more angular jawlines
so w/ that said....MY total guess is male
no wait...female
uhh ummmm maybe male
I'm at least 50/50 on this one.
do you have a better picture if this fish just floating and not spreading its fins. If you want you can point me to the website were your images are kept, and I'll have more info

[Edited by FMarini on 10-15-2000 at 09:13 PM]
Thanks Frank,

I will take more pictures tomorrow ... what kind of pose would you like? I can get him/her with the fins drawn back while swimming or anything. I can make fish pose at will ... LAUGH ... seriously, I will try to get some more tomorrow the best I can.

And I had to laugh when you said you were 50/50 sure ... Thanks for the humor.
okay i looked at these pictures you posted ...thanks....
I have to say this is not an exact science, and whats throwing me here is that the animal look quite different, even thou the photo is of the same creature.In the first photo you show-i thought from the body shape and jawline this critter was male, but in the subsequent photos this is definatley a female, w/ rounded relaxed body shape and less curved in 2/3 photos i identify a female
So if your a betting man....50/50 female
my guess
you're a betting man eh ?

remember about my pregant bangaii STILL not eating been like 12 days or so now, not sure I should keep a better track on how long its not eating

as you can see my female and male (I hope I sexed em right)

Id idnt want to post here as the pictures are 800x600
well if you had read any of my online articles on raising/breeding these fish, I mention the male holds the eggs/fry in his mouth for an average of 21 days. (it ranged from 18 to about 28 days). So you got a long way to go, and more time to prepare your baby factory. Get your baby brine culture going, get your selcon/DTs phytos ready for feeding etc.
Funny how fish can somehow change appearances on a whim, huh? I took a look at Clyde's pics and the male certainly looks like a bulldog compared to my fish. So bottom line is, who really knows what I have unless you are a Banggai and the odds are it is likely a female but who the heck knows for sure?

I think I am clear now <g>

Thanks for your help.

Looks like a female to me too, but what would I know Ive placed several females together several times-never two males yet though;)! I must have a knack for picking females. Worse part is they got along until I gave up on them and added what was very apparent to me a male fish. Wow!! it didnt take long for that marriage to be consumated :D!
