Bare min needed for live rock


New member
What is the bare min needed to keep my live rock alive?
My tank crashed and we are getting ready to move. I would like to store my LR alive but not keep the big tank up.
I have a 75g running now but would like to know what is needed to keep the rocks alive that I can put them in a smaller container until I am ready to set up the tank again.
What is the smallest size tank they could go into. what is the min equipment needed since there will be no fish or CUC.

We will be moving so I don't want to put fish back into the tank until we get to our new place but I don't want to loose my LR.

we are not traveling yet....
I just need to store them for a month or so I can take the 75g and fix up the house so we can move.
Yep... Saltwater, powerhead, heater if needed..
Top off with fresh to maintain salinity..


I found it beneficial to feed it a very tiny amount when I shut down for a few months, but if it's going to only be a week or two I wouldn't worry about it. However, if you're looking at a month or few, a little fish food might not be a bad idea. Just enough to give the bacteria something to chew on.

For hardware, you should be fine with only a powerhead and heater.
I had a cucumber and everything was fine... I went out of town and it died. Hubby didn't catch it in time. killed everything. There might be some CUC that I don't see.

Next paycheck I will go out an get a tub to keep the rock in.
Check the water as well? Or just the saline levels?
I had a cucumber and everything was fine... I went out of town and it died. Hubby didn't catch it in time. killed everything. There might be some CUC that I don't see.

Next paycheck I will go out an get a tub to keep the rock in.
Check the water as well? Or just the saline levels?

So it poisoned the system

Personally i would not try keep it alive with the risk of the poison still being there

i would 7 day bleach and fully dry it
start a new cycle when i was setting up again

You can do a hour 10% acid wash to get all the organics out as well but more caution is needed