Barret...about volunteering on St. Jude Project


New member
Ok Barrett, I have spent days on the computer and phone tracking my immunization records. Not an easy task since in those days my dad was a toolpusher for the oil field and we moved once a month. Mom could not even remember what state we were in when I started first grade...anyway I finally found a record of my DT and Poilo shots and they are being sent. So now I need to find out what else I will need, I am sure I will need to go get booster shots of some sort and I don't mind doing it but I need to find out just what they want me to have or a contact name and number at St. Jude so I can talk to someone directly.
I thought after all the chasing I had to do on the records I could ask you and maybe get the answer on the contact in short order. Thanks
Here you go.

Here you go.

Posted by me some time ago:
I talked to Janis (nursing coordinator) and heres what can be done for anyone interested in volunteering for St Jude aquarium maintenance:
TB testing can be done by another hospital or MD office, they will have to provide proof of testing and results. Same with shots. Please remember if we do them here it is free.
IDs will be a problem.
IF we have a group of poeple ready to begin, she might be able to work something out with security/HR to do this on an evening or weekend.
Perhaps we could have our next meeting here at St Jude one evening and get this done at the same time.
So basically volunteering will now go like this.
Apply and fax apps to me at 901-495-5231
Have your physician administer and read the TB skintest and fill out your shot record.
Get the ID picture's made and a meeting here on campus.

Posted by Reefdiver77:
For thos of you who have not yet completed requirements for St. Volunteer, I thought my experience might be helpful>
I completed my requirements last week to volunteer at St. Jude. I had the inservice in the meeting we had at Barrett's home several months ago. I completed the application. Since I live out of town, I went to my MD office and they did the TB Skin Test and read it 48 hours later. I had the document that confirmed the results along with the date administered and read. Marian Baker, the Occupational Health Nurst at St. Jude, faxed me the healthscreen application to full out. I completed this to the best of my ability. Since I am "older" than a lot of the club members, I did not have access to my immunization records. I know which ones I have had as a adult (it helps being a nurse). I also remember having the mumps, measles and chickenpox as a child. I know I had a rubella (German Measles) titer done while pregnant with my kids. I remember the smallpox immunization and the oral polio vaccine I received as a child. I made an appointment to go and see Marian. I had previously faxed her the completed healthscreen. She reviewed and signed this and sent me to HR, who then sent me to security for my parking pass. I then went back to HR and had my ID made. It all took less than 30 minutes. You may contact Marian by calling St. Jude and asking for Marian Baker in Occupational Health.

Probably more what you need:
• Only the 1st, 2nd, and 4th pages of the application need to be completed.
• Return the necessary forms to Eula Ellington via mail or fax:
901-495-2720 or
Volunteer Services, MS #102
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
332 N. Lauderdale
Memphis TN 38105
• Volunteers need to clock in and out at volunteer office, and only club members who have received their acceptance letters are eligible to come to the hospital and participate in the program. Of course anyone is welcome to come take a tour during the week or visit the gift shop and Pavilion.
• Any members who missed the orientation can sign up for one of the regularly scheduled sessions by calling Eula at 495-3327. You just need to identify yourself as "aquarium volunteers" and let her know you do not need to attend the information session part.

That should get it for you.