base turning white then green?


New member
OK, its time I get ahold of what is going on here. Its been SLOWLY happening for the past few months. Growth is good, color is good, but the base of my SPS slowly turn white, then green. I am thinking that this is a PO4 problem but my Salifert kit always reads 0, stays totally clear. It works because if I test my freshwater tank, I get 0.5-1.0 PO4. Here are some pics... Also, the last pic shows where I saw for the first time ever, a patch of hair algae???
All salifert test kits
36ppt refractometer
CA 395
Alk 3.6 meq/l
Mg 1380
temp 80
Nitrate undetectable
Phosphate undetectable





What is your current flow situation, as well as lighting? I have had some of my corals do that in the past when they were in low flow areas of my tank, or when the colony shaded the underside to much. Your pics look strange though, not big enough colonies to shade the bases. Are these old corals that have suddenly done this, or did you just recently mount them? Did you use that reef putty stuff by chance, or a brand X superglue? Good luck

Also, I think if phosphate was an issue to the extent it could cause coral death, your colors would not be as pastel as they are. They are really quite beautiful which makes me think its something other then P04 or nitrate.
Pics were taken with just the aquablue lights on. My flow is a CL with a Reeflo Dart, lots of flow everywhere, hard to keep the sand in place. Lighting is 4 54W T5's on an Icecap 660, SLS reflectors, 3 of those are aquablue, 1 was 6500K until last week. Then two other 54W T5's on WH7, both Blue+, then a 110W VHO Super Actinic. Oldest bulbs are ~6 months. I am finally moving everything over to the 120 this weekend (got it all built finally), will have 8 54W T5's all on icecap 660's then.

Side note: u can see in the pics, they seem to grow downward and not upward, this mean anything along with my other problem???
Sorry I missed one of your questions...I use superglue gel, I tried the putty one time (you can see it in the first pic) and did not like it much.

Also, for my move to the bigger tank going on this weekend, I guess I am going to frag all the corals off the rocks. I will prolly leave them on some eggcrate for awhile in the new tank. Should I frag off all the white/green areas/bases or would they possibly come back?
Bacteria are migrating phosphorus into the coral from the rock. The SPS is really only two cells thick and light is feeding the microalgaes that are feeding off of the phosphorus.

Frag them above the algae line. The next time that you attach them to rock, use a lot of superglue. This is why some people "cook" their rock.
PO4. Get some rowa/phoslock/whatever ASAP. Run the lights on your fuge longer whatever. Just get that PO4 out asap.