Basic set up guide writer wanted apply within


New member
We are looking for someone with a sound knowledge of GHL to write a New User set up guide.

This is to include

How to -

Connecting via USB
Assign PAB devices
Initial state numbering of power bars
Initial state numbering of doser
Set up of temperature via PLC
Set up of pH via PLC
Set up of ATO via PLC

This is enough to act as a basic start up guide. This guide will be added to all packs.

So what do you get for your hard work?

Will receive a 25% discount with us directly for a period of 6 months from publication.

We will then look at extending this start up guide to a more advanced write up covering other topics, where we would look at bringing in other users to jointly put together a more workable manual.

The successful person assigned to this hugely beneficial task will work directly with me to make sure accuracy is in the detail.

Please do not post here to apply, please feel free to post comments of course!
Please do not pm me
Please EMAIL me