Battery backup?


Love The Fish
Why is there no Tunze battery backup similar to the vortec one? Im talking about an all in one simplified kit. I thought fore sure one was gonna come out eventually and it never happened. Will this ever happen?
While I would almost never rule anything out, I can almost completely rule this out.

1) batteries weigh a lot and cost a fortune to ship

2) ups systems with dc output already exist, you can buy one on amazon for a fraction of what a small aquarium company could offer one for.

3) our interest is in an inexpensive and versatile system. Very limited knowledge of electronics is required to use our safety connector. If you can install a car stereo, it should be an easy project. You are not chained to a battery. If the battery you chose died, you can swap it for disposable lantern batteries, or even borrow the battery from the car. Greater run time, more versatility, option to use solar, and a far lower price, are the reasons we do it this way.