Bay Area octopus breeder

Richard came and talked at a MARS meeting a few years back about his work with cuttlefish.
Daisy Hill Cuttle Farm

Links on there about cephalopods in general, and Wunderpus, a really cool octopus he kept.
They don't live a long time, under ideal conditions. They are incredible to see up close. They may have some at the Academy of Science in SF.
There was a guy in Penn Valley who was a MARS member and had some baby cuttlefish. If I remember correctly he hatched them himself. He posted a couple videos of them.
I saw one in the wild while walking through a sand bar in Thailand, really awesome. He sat still and tried to blend in, but as soon as he realized I was on to him he bolted so fast I couldn't follow him with my eyes more than a foot. Just vanished.