Be patient things will improve soon


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I had a long talk with Axel Tunze today and the delivery problems we have had lately are several fold.

This was the biggest holiday season ever.

Production is down beause we have so many new products and their is a learning curve as jigs and tools for assembly are developed. Simple things like who does what part of assembly, in what room, having specialized tools built, can really make or break production speed. Even things that look the same like the Streams are having some small changes to the drivers to speed assembly and make them more durable.

January is always the worst month. After being closed through the 3rd, the first week is inventory, audits and taxes. Real production and shipping doesn't start until the 10th, my first order left on the 18th and that basically means for the entire month of January their is nothing getting to the end user.

The good news is we will have an awesome catalog this year, it should be finished in a couple more months and will be a complete departure from our previous catalogs.

The new skimmers are nearly finished and as soon as some parts arrive (that are made in America) we should be ready to go.

We will get 30 multicontrollers a week from now on.

I should get a large shipment of hopefully at least 100 of each Stream pump in about 3 weeks and though we will still be behind this will be a big help.

Trust me, this isn't any fun for me, I don't like being chewed out and especially when it is out of my control, I do everything I can, I place my orders, I send my payments and I unpack and shipout everything we get in. Just be patient and it will come in. Tunze has been in business for 45 years now and we aren't going anywhere, we just are old and slow ;) I have no intention of retiring or leaving my job, some have speculated that, that is the problem. It isn't going to happen, I fully expect to leave this job only by dying :lol:
Yesterday I made up a list of all the backorders and faxed it in as an "urgent" list of what I need. So far none have been sent but the pump driver modification held up production of the electronic pumps needed. They beefed it up a little to make it more resistant to the overload from the pump locking up and to make the alarm feature a bit more sensitive so the pump shuts down more readily if strained.
Well, If I don't get my Streams and my Multicontroller pretty soon, I'm gonna have Guido help with this retirement by death idea you suggested.....:):):)
Hi Rvitco, its OK to be old and slow. One of the reasons I buy Tunze is because they have managed to be innovative while retaining the 'old world' sturdiness and understated elegance in their products. Kind of like the solid, classic, old Mercs that seem to run forever.
Tunze(s) already come partially assembled. How about setting up a niche market for hobbyists who may want to assemble your products from scratch. Kind of like model planes, ships, cars kits with parts that snap on and fastened with glue? Some of us may like to get more involved in the hobby by assembling all the parts.

Amen Kenneth, I like Tunze and H&S stricly because they produce limited quantity, high quality equipment. Elite winemakers don't rush their product out just to satisfy demand.

Roger, one request from my wife. She asked me - to tell you - to ask Axel to stop making new products. I'm not sure why. ;-)
thats a good one fliger! to much comunication in your marriage; mine doesnt eve know what tunze is . . . much better that way . .
pump driver modification held

what is the modification and will it be offered to people who have the current wave box?

or have i got thw rong end of the stick?
It will be on all new pumps, it is a further resistance to an overload. Your warranty will be honored if something comes up but they will not be handed out unnessecarily. The current design is fine in all but the most extreme circumstances and we just wanted to make it better.
so guys,

where is the best place to order, will it matter, in other words do you guys sends more items to a specific retailer or all the same,

thinking on ordering from, thx

I ship in the order I recieve the orders but in extreme shortages like this I also spread things out as proportionally as possible to avoid chaos. I think the wait will be about the same everywhere.
thx for the quick responce, but would have love to heard sure thing order here and they ship same day (a secret store) :D

well reef keeping teaches patience so this is a good situation to use some, again thx


A couple of days ago, I noticed my Wavebox didn't come on, but the controller was on and doing its thing. Found that a snail had climbed in and jammed the prop. After removing the culprit the Wavebox worked fine. The thing that concerned me was that the driver alarm never sounded. You had mentioned in another thread that because the on/off cycle is so quick, the alarm won't sound. Is this something the new mod will address? Also, if I didn't catch this right away, would this have damaged the driver? I guess I better install that outlet screen!

It is not impossible but most of the problem is assembly and it sounds like your driver is properly assembled and the heat from being overloaded dissapated and did not damage the electronics.
I'm on the waiting list at PA for 6100 transformers (I want to upgrade my 6000's). Any idea what the backlog is for those? I think I remember reading those are the same transformers used for the Wavebox and they are in short supply.