Benefit of Multicontroller


Premium Member

If my goal is to create random water patterns, why is a multicontroller better than 2 singlecontrollers?

It would seem to me that if I was using 2 different controllers with skewed intervals, I would have instances where both pumps were running full blast and other times with only one pump and then other times when they were both running at the low setting 30% or so.

Is it possible to accomplish this with the multicontroller? My goal is to acheive random flow and I don't see how to do this with the multicontroller... :confused:
Random would be accomplished by using the sequence program and setting pulses but you are correct, two single controllers may be better for this, it is just that the coordination would be haphazard and just depend on when you plugged in the pumps, plus you double the expense of night mode, generally after buying two photo cells and two single controllers the cost is nearly the same and with much less versatility.

When you say "sequence program", do you the "Sequential pump circuit" instructions on page 25 of my 7094's manual...?

How would this work with my dual 6000 Stream's to produce more random flow...?

( I swear I am going to buy the new 7095 just so that I have a controller AND a manual written by you...!)
Well, I am not a great writer by any means so I hope I haven't oversold myself. You would use Sequential pump circuit and set pulses and then when the pumps came on they would be randomly at high or low power and this is the random effect. The first pump is always on and the second will come on in a different one of the two pulse settings at random (top or bottom of channel 2). It works better with more than 2 pumps.

Thanks for your help... Can you send me the instructions for the Multicontroller. I should receive mine tomorrow, but I would like to get a head start...
Unfortunately, I have the crappiest internet connection in the world, I am 14.4kb right now and it takes for ever just to get emails and log in. Until these idiots fix my DSL I have no way to send such a large file. If they do what they said and have it fixed this afternoon I will do it- email me your address. On the otherhand, I have been hearing how they are going to fix this problem since Wednesday so I am not optimistic.

Thanks! I sent you an email with my email addy.. :D Good luck with your DSL adventure...