Berlin Classic owners...need help


New member
I have a Red Sea Berlin Classic skimmer that I obtained used. It's running with a Rio 2500 pump.

Is there a way to control the amount of bubbles? As it is, so much comes up the tube and spills into the collection cup that it would fill the cup within minutes (it has a drain port with valve to feed the scum out a 1/4" line if desired).

I noticed that if I play with pinching off the neoprene tube that comes from the base all the way up to the top of the skimmer that it affects the amount of bubbles in the chamber. Is there supposed to be something in the end of the tube to control it?

This tank is just cycling so maybe that is the problem? Here are the particulars...

90 gallon display
20H sump (skimmer in sump)
Berlin Classic PS w/ Rio 2500
Mag 5 return pump

5" DSB (Southdown)
50 lbs of base rock (50 lbs of Live Rock to be added soon)

Current water parameters:
Salinity 1.025
Temp 81-82F
pH = 8.2
Ammonia = 0 ppm
Nitrite = 5 ppm
Nitrate = 20 ppm

Just curious if there is something I can do to control the bubbles. I don't have a lot of room in the sump to "hard plumb" the Rio to the Berlin so I'm using 1" flexible hose. If I could use pvc, I would try a gate valve to control it. Maybe a "T" out of the Rio with one side utilizing a barb fitting to attach to the 1" flexible hose and the other side plumbed into a valve???? Am I over-thinking this

Thanks for any help!
Where the air tube goes through the body it should be threaded to take a plastic screw that can "pinch off" or restrict the air.

I should have suspected as much...I think that was the setup I had on a CPR Backpak skimmer several years ago. I'll give it that a shot. Thanks!