Best approach for temporary setup for mainly corals?


New member
My main tank need to come down due to serious stand issues requiring the whole setup to be taken down for a few months. Reason can be found in my book thread.

So I need to setup a temporary tank to hold colonies and frags of the corals, fish and inverts I want to keep. All others will be sold/donated to my lfs is needed.

What is best/cheapest approach?

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Rubbermaid to the rescue. You can mount your lights, heaters and power heads. Even put a skimmer in the tub. Light diffuser makes great partitions and stands
Would it work just as well with a cheap 30-50 gallon tank from petco? Doesn't need a huge Rubbermaid tub necessarily.

Woumd I need a separate sump? Or just put the summer in the temporary tank along with maybe carbon reactor?

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Thank you. My current strategy is as follows:

  1. Get a cheap un-drilled tank, maybe 50 gallon or thereabout
  2. No sump
  3. Use MP40 (one or two) for flow
  4. Use Skimmer and place it in tank (make sure water level is OK)
  5. Use the current dosing system for Alk and CA
  6. Use current Radion lights
  7. Get frag racks and frag as much as I can of the corals I want to keep
  8. Save the Copperband butterfly along with a few other fish I want to keep and have them in the temporary tank
  9. Same with some of the inverts like brittle and serpent star fish, clam, shrimp etc.
  10. Donate the remaining corals, fish and live rock to friends and/or LFS
  11. Sell the current tank but keep the sump
  12. Get rid of the stand, send it to hell
  13. Source a new 150g tank with the same dimensions but with an external/ghost overflow to regain the lost overflow space inside the tank
  14. Get a new metal stand made
  15. Get new tank up and running move on from there

Anything I have missed/overlooked?