Best fish package for frag tank protection


New member
This has been asked before but I can't seem to find the threads I've read in the past and didn't bookmark them so...

What fish grouping is best for pest/algae control in a frag tank? I have a 35 gallon display-that'll-turn-frag coming online first, but could move fish to the 7' 123g also under construction, as they served their duty and outgrow the smaller tank.

What's the best pest control fish package look like to you? A 6 line? A small yellow tang? What else?
In a tank that size water changes and good husbandry should be preventing any algae issues so you won't need to cram a tang into a tiny tank, and with a frag tank you'll have to have a qt before adding anything so you won't need anything to eat pests... Problem solved.
TOTALLY agree with water changes, good husbandry and QT. I've been observing but out of the hobby a few years and am trying to retool my memory.

What, in general then, are other good frag tank citizens? Shrimp? Crabs? What are the common frag tank pests, and how do people fight them besides the obvious "don't let em get in there in the first place" mentality? That's the first defense, I'm curious about the second line of defense. Pipefish for red bug, wrasse for nudibranch, etc.
I've found the bigger turbo snails tend to stay away from eggcrate probably because its hard for them to get around on it. They also are big enough to move frags around.

Astrea and trochus snails are in my frag tank, and a 6 line wrasse for pests. The snails are small enough to be able to move between frags and not disturb much. My frag tank is too small for a tang, or I'd definitely get one.

I don't know what shrimp would offer you, probably not worth it in a frag tank. IME they'd probably just steal food from corals if you have LPS or something.
Red Banded Trochus (they can right themselves if they fall into the eggcrate, astreas die)
Melanurus wrasse (depends on tank size, but I have 3 in different frag tanks and they decimate most nudis or flatworms)
Desjardini Tang I have a 5 foot frag tank so it fits, they destroy bubble and hair algae and film algae
salarias/lawnmower algae blenny (good algae eater and they also pick off dead zoa polyps or sickly polyps) They can be a little territorial and may bite your hand .. luck of the draw really.
Yellow Coris is also another good sub for melanurus for smaller frag tanks. Like melanurus they need a small sand bed to sleep in. I use a small container with sand inside under my eggcrate.
This is one of those you times where it seems the OP answered his own question.

small sixline, yellow tang... small of course. than a few other fish to poop, like 2 clowns and than your done, if they die replace.

I have a huge frag system and dont use clean up crew. I despise, like almost as much as i hate fire ants, snails, hermits, and urchins knocking over my frags/colonies. I am not supposed to glue them down in a frag tank. anyway good luck. post some pictures.
What are the common frag tank pests, and how do people fight them besides the obvious "don't let em get in there in the first place" mentality? That's the first defense, I'm curious about the second line of defense. Pipefish for red bug, wrasse for nudibranch, etc.

Bayer dip for red bugs, Bayer dip for nudibranch, etc... Everything going into the frag tank should get hit with Bayer imo. Adding a fish to eat them once they're already in your tank is like losing an arm and putting a band-aid over it, it's gonna slow the process of your corals getting eaten but they're still all going to be dinner.

On a side note keep in mind the people suggesting tangs haven't read that your tank is 35 gallons and are referencing their 5'/huge frag systems...
I agree with organism that dipping is your primary goal of keeping pests out. I know its a tad barbaric but i toothbrush lightly my new corals and remove the base or heavy scrub it. Thats for the eggs the dip cant kill. Having a wrasse with a small pointed mouth will keep certain pests that do make it in from flourishing, they wont completely eradicate.

I am a firm anti tang policeman, a small yellow tang in a 35g will be fine for a while, year or two. JMO. I have seen a 10" valmingi tang in a 8" shallow 65g frag tank at a fish store, been there for a year plus. Is it ideal no, did it die, nope he is happy and lets you pet him. While fish have personalities, keeping them alive and healthy is the goal, can you do that in a small tank with a small tang i believe so. To each their own.