Best hang on protein skimmer

I have the two-chamber version of this on my FOWLR, it has done very well, but you have to adjust your tank water level to fit the protein skimmer not the other way around. Reef Octopus' new HOB are looking pretty awesome and if I had to buy another I would tend towards the new generation and not buy this model again. Also, I noticed this week that the bond on some of the internal acrylic bonds are starting to fail which concerns me.
I just got that one today. I can't speak for how it works but I read a lot before I got it. Aquamaxx is good but more $$
I had both a reef octopus bh1000 and aquamaxx something something. Both did the trick on my 90

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I have the two-chamber version of this on my FOWLR, it has done very well, but you have to adjust your tank water level to fit the protein skimmer not the other way around. Reef Octopus' new HOB are looking pretty awesome and if I had to buy another I would tend towards the new generation and not buy this model again. Also, I noticed this week that the bond on some of the internal acrylic bonds are starting to fail which concerns me.

I have this running right now. Works great for my 36g.... Had to cut the tubing to match my water level, other than that I'm pretty happy with it.

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I've got a larger model of the Reef Octopus - HOB 2000 or some such - and it pulls out a good solid cupful of rather unpleasant skimmate every few days.

Given to understand that Deltec makes a pretty good HOB as well.

I'm very happy with my eshopps psk hang on.. I'm running the 75 on my 40G.. but would go with the 100 on a 55G
The pump isn't in the tank and its got a Sicce pump (which is top quality/quiet)

But the "surface skimmer" attachment on the RO100 is very nice to have/beneficial for keeping that protein layer on the top of the water away..
I'm also finding a new Hang On skimmer for my reef tank without sump. The Reef Octopus Classic 100-HOB in your link is much more expensive than other in-sump models. I'm considering to build a sump and use an in-sump protein skimmer. I see so many benefits a sump can bring to me.
Been using the Oct1000 for 3 mos now. Really pulls out the gunk. Touchy keeping the water level steady. Had to cut the input tube to a correct length.
For me its the Aquamaxx 1.5 I have one on my 40 cube and one on my girlfriends tank. Corlavue aka Reef Octopus makes a good product.
I have the BH-2000 Classib=c on my 90 gallon reef tank. It works excellent. i had the BH300F that had (2) pumps in the skimmer but they were submerged and had a tendency to raise water temp. The BH-2000 i have now has the pump mounted to the outside of the unit so it does not do anything to the temp of the tank.