540 is only slightly WEST of the airport off of 40. Just go the opposite direction you would go if you were heading home, and it's literally only a few miles, maybe less. I've only taken 540 as far as Leesville Rd, which is about 5-6 miles; there are lots of signs for the exit. Then just follow the directions in my earlier post and you can't miss it. You can always then backtrack to 40, then go 440, 64, 264, etc. as you normally do. This trip to Pet Paradise will only be 15 min or so out of your way roundtrip. BTW, I think Brad is open from 11am to 8pm.
If you want to check out Fish World, I am not familiar with lilbuddy's route, but it's probably closer than what I would do. If you would feel more comfortable going the route that you already know, you can always go back toward G'ville as normal, and hop off 440 on the Capital Blvd. exit, which is a couple of exits before the 64east exit. They have a much larger store, but I was not impressed with their quality, knowledge, or helpfulness.
HTH :rollface: