best macro lens


I just bought a nikon d60 and I can take better pictures with my point and shoot. So I guess now I need to buy a lens. Which lens should I get?
What are you looking to spend? Do you want Auto everything or are you ok with manual everything? Those are a couple conciderations as to what is the lens for you.

My tank isn't very large so I don't need to be able to focus on objects further away with a macro lens so I use a 55mm f2.8 micro-nikkor AI-S I picked up on ebay for a decent price. Great lens, due to compatibility (have a D90 so the metering doesn't function) I have to use it as a manual lens only, which is not a problem. I am saving my pennies to get a 200mm f4 AI-S micro-nikkor though. They can be grabbed on ebay for about $400-450. vs $1k-$2k for the AF-S version. I have been using Nikon for years though so I stick with what I am used to and what I like.

The biggest thing you need to figure out is what do you want to or can you spend.

there is a sticky at the top of the forum that may help you out as well.

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You can pick up a used 50mm prime nikkor and a $10 adaptor ring that allows the lens to be reversed on the camera body... for $100 or so you can have a very sharp (albiet 100% manual) macro lens.
A great way to get good macro shots. Well past 1:1. :) Only problems are that you need to be quite close to your subject and the very narrow depth of field. So taking shots of fish or anything moving is pretty much out. But if you have a stationary subject it's a fun way to take pictures.

If you go this route I recommend getting the Nikon BR-3 adapter. it lets you put a UV filter on the end of your lens when it is reveresed. Keeps the nasty stuff out. :)
I keep meaning to buy the 50mm prime on eBay just for the purpose but never get around to it. That also means I need to purchase a good tripod and that costs more than the lens and adaptors. Thanks for the tip on the BR-3 I will make note of that.
I found a great 50mm 1.8 on ebay. Pristine condition. Decent price as well.

If you don't find a BR-3 let me know. One came with my F-II bellows and I don't need it.
Sweet! I already have a 50mm 1.8. I've been looking at the 105 2.8 VR, but this is much cheaper!
