Best of luck to all in the hurricane!

I lost 3...

Yellow Watchmen Goby(My first saltwater fish..)
Fairy Wrasse
Mandarin Goby(this big guy ate Mysis... was great).

I was without power for 1 week and 10 hours.
I had a generator I bought new that died after 4 hrs. Damaged from factory.
My clown pair survived..

Lost some coral too.. but losing the fish sucks more.
Armando I lost all my acros. Happened faster than I thought. Funny I had a smaller side tank going that I did nothing to while my main tank I was agitating and stirring several times an hour and no casualties side tank and main tank catastrophe. Main tank was jam packed with life so more to die which made a huge difference. Honestly even if I had a generator I wouldn't have been able to run it until storm passed not sure how much of a difference it would have made. We were 30+ hrs without power temp was not an issue just lack of circulation.

I'm sorry to hear this, hope you can bring it back

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