best placement for two 6045s


New member
wondering best placement for these. they are in a mixed 36" long 30 gallon reef. I currently have one in the front left side and one back right side. both at the top with them angled slightly towards the water surface. enclosed is a pic to possibly help. thanks
I think that placement is fine, you might try placing them slightly lower, but I don't see anything wrong or have any better suggestions.
mine are placed just like yours except the one on the right is mounted on the back wall for aesthetics. its firing the same way though (got to love the ball and C-clamp mounting). I have the same size tank. mine are aimed slightly down though and my sump return is used for surface agitation (I dont have sand so sand storms arent a concern). aquascaping and what/where your corals are have alot to do with pointing specifics.
i had two 6025s placed the same way in my 40B and was happy with the flow. mine were lower on the walls though, so you might play around with that.