Best Skimmer for Large System (for the price)?

Now that's ugly :lmao:

bergzy do you have a problem with having to adjust your countercurrent skimmer a bunch(like every day or so) to get optimal production out of it? I heard that from an "expert" once and have allways wondered if that was entirely true.

In my post above I should have stated only option for $500 that you can buy:rolleyes:


hi chris,

i havent built the monster skimmer yet...but the internal water level should be no different than that of adjusting a beckett.

i was in the planning stage of it...have all the part no's when this monster i acquired two weeks ago has since been occupying my spare time...getting it cleaned up etc...:D


the level of my beckett fluctuates a little if my sump volume fluctuates (for various reasons)...i am going to solve this by placing a pvc pipe that keeps the water level exactly the same height regardless of sump water height.

but once the water height in the column is etablished...i dont see why there would be more maintenance than any other skimmer. the new ceramic airstones that drive the whole skimmer are reputed to be far, far superior in longevity than the wooden airstones of past!

the biggest pita would be getting the right amount of air into the skimmer. too much..and your foam is way too wet (how many people do you hear complaining about that) and too little air...well, that doesnt do jack.

why have i fallen back into total favor of counter currents? because the one thing that has eluded control with most beckett, venturi, needlewheel etc skimmers is that you can not increase air input if you wanted...even if you injected air from a large will upset the orignal design balance and 'freak' out the skimmer.

in addition, the 'dwell' time that the water to be skimmed can hang in the skimmer for a very, very long time. for example, the 10'x8" skimmer would have a pump that feeds about 700gph to it. for a kimmer of this size, combine it with a constant source of fine bubbles form the airstones...what other better scenario can possible be imagined?

of course, the biggest disadvantage of counter currents is that they really need to be tall to be effective. not everyone has the luxury of having their equipment remotely placed with a 20 foot high or so garage ceiling to place a skimmer in.

have a great saturday!!!:)
Thanks for the response bergzy:) Any skimmer will fluctuate if you don't keep the water level exactly the same. The easiest thing to do is to put in a baffle. The reason I have heard air driven skimmers fluctuate form day to day is air pressure and how that effects the air pump and bubble formation.

I want a pic of that thing working Baja. I've seen dry pics but no wet ones:)
For around $700 you can get a dual Sedra 5000 recirculating needle wheel skimmer from Reefmania. A very good skimmer. Much better than the ASM line. Compare it to the EuroReef line, similar construction at a whole lot less. I've had a ASM g-3, ER 6-3, 8-2, 12-1 and AquaC. For the money Reefmania goes pretty far.
Sweet! Thanks baja:)

A dual GX 4100 Geo skimmer is the same price FWIW. Got a link to the reefmania?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6924081#post6924081 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by REEF-DADDY
Did you ever hook up the panworld 200 pump?
I did try the 200 pump, the problem I was having is that the skimmer would overflow because even with the gate all the way open it still poured out of the collection cup. Is there anyone that is running the 200 without a riser?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6934092#post6934092 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by fishdoc11
Sweet! Thanks baja:)

A dual GX 4100 Geo skimmer is the same price FWIW. Got a link to the reefmania?

Georges stuff is top notch!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6927515#post6927515 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gcarroll
Since we have been having this discussion on skimmers I was wondering: How does one tell if a skimmer is truly performing at a high level? What is to say that one skimmer is better than another (other than build quality)? Just a question that I have always wondered.

I would love to know this as well. I'm currently shopping for skimmers for a 200 gal total capacity sps system and the options are mind boggling. I don't mind spending the cash if it is justified. But I don't want to pay hundreds more for a nice sticker on the front of the unit.
My guess is mostly it's build quality be it in the skimmer body itself or the pumps used on the skimmer. ASM uses sendra, ER uses sendra & GenX, Deltec I think uses eheim, & BubbleKing or one of those pricey brands use a red dragon pump which make eheims looks cheap :)

I would think that due to the pumps & build quality as well as physical size of the skimmers it makes the prices go up or down.

I think the materials have a LOT to do with the price & going with a larger diameter body does increase price a LOT but it is "suppose" to perform better as well. Like a ASM G3 vs G4 which are about the same heigth & the G4 costs $100 more with a slightly better pump.

With knowing how the skimmer performs on a specific tank I think it's all in the eyes of the beholder.

For my tanks I think my ER performs better because the stuff is a LOT darker. However a little more fiddleing with the riser tube on my G3 should allow the stuff to look more like my ER.

well that sure didn't help :)
yikes.... well, thank you all so very much for your input. it's reasons like this that RC ROCKS!

after spending the last 3-4 hours reading through this thread, other threads, looking at tons of vender and manufacturer sites and setting up an XL spread sheet, i've come to the following conclusions:

-MR2 with blueline 55 ($450 with pump): MR3 better, but too tall for under tank
-ASM G4X ($370 incl pump): good value, like ties to ER, pump incl (frontrunner currently)
-Bullet 3 ($620 with pump): nice skimmer, but too tall at 32" (Bullet 2 too small)
-Pacific Coast/Octopus RPS-3000: $489+pump cost = too much for untested product. it is a recirc model though...
-GEO: couldn't find much on this skimmer. only found the model rated at 250 gal.
-Barr, Deltec, ER, H&S too much $

i've figure a max height of about 30". how many folks have stands higher than this? does anyone keep these taller skimmers under the tank? i don't reall have room off to the side or in an adjacent closet.

also am intrigued by the recirc models... are they that much better?

again, thanks so much all,
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6939959#post6939959 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by viggen
I think the materials have a LOT to do with the price & going with a larger diameter body does increase price a LOT but it is "suppose" to perform better as well.

When talking to GEO about a custom 16" dia skimmer I think he stated that the acrylic tubing was almost $300.00 a ft, yes I said per ft...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6940395#post6940395 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mokujin22
yikes.... well, thank you all so very much for your input. it's reasons like this that RC ROCKS!

-MR2 with blueline 55 ($450 with pump): MR3 better, but too tall for under tank
-ASM G4X ($370 incl pump): good value, like ties to ER, pump incl (frontrunner currently)
-Bullet 3 ($620 with pump): nice skimmer, but too tall at 32" (Bullet 2 too small)
-Pacific Coast/Octopus RPS-3000: $489+pump cost = too much for untested product. it is a recirc model though...
-GEO: couldn't find much on this skimmer. only found the model rated at 250 gal.
-Barr, Deltec, ER, H&S too much $

i've figure a max height of about 30". how many folks have stands higher than this? does anyone keep these taller skimmers under the tank? i don't reall have room off to the side or in an adjacent closet.

also am intrigued by the recirc models... are they that much better?

again, thanks so much all,

yea it's amazing how much info/knowledge is on this site. The problem is, is that you spend MANY MANY hours surfing.... then you spend more then you wanted to on products because of being able to see how it works for other people.

Before giving up on a ER check the following link out & you will see their Blem models. This is a great way to get a skimmer for quite a bit less then their retail price. There are a few listed that might work for you

Then there's Premium Aquatics which has 1 ER left from the old line & it's almost $600 but would rock!!!

One thing to remember when comparing a ER RC skimmer vs the ASM G4x is that the ER comes drilled for RC with the gate valve kit included. If you go with a G4 (or any ASM) you pay $10 per hole that needs drilled plus $40 for the gate valve kit. Thus a $370 quickly becomes a $450+ skimmer if you want it performing the best it can.

I am not a fan of some of the other skimmers not because they don't work well (the ETTS, MRC's etc work GREAT many people feel) it's just I don't like the idea of using a large power hungry pump to run a skimmer when you can get by with 1/2 or less of the power consumption with a needle wheel skimmer :)
Well I must say if you read the ER thread just a bit and don't sift through the whole bloody thing then your wrong wrong wrong about
ER and customer service or the quality of product!!! This is one persons opinion during a specific event that reading the whole thread is totally absurd. Seems to me the old instint
gratification syndrome. I have a ER RS8-1 it is is the best damn skimmer I have ever had. True its is a wee bit overkill for a 120 but my bioload might be a wee bit high as well ;>) and remember u get what u pay for.........

ER's customer service has no bearing on how well their skimmers are built or perform. You're missing the whole point here. Also this is not the first thread I have seen about how bad ER customer service is. No one is doubting that ER skimmers are well made and work very well.

Just because a company sells a good product doesn't mean that company can treat their customers like caca so to speak. That attitude will decrease their sales numbers very quickly believe me.
