hello guys im wondering if you can help me out with your opinion and experiences im looking for a skimmer for my new set up its a 450 gallon plus sump ect can anyone guide me on what to buy and from were thank you im just trying to stay under 1000 bucks thank u
Probably the skimmer I just sold. It was a Barr Aquatic SK5020 single Beckett skimmer. One of the cleanest and easily servicable designs I have ever seen and it kicked some serious butt on my 500! Well made Beckett style skimmers are arguably the best design for producing skimmate.
For a grand, you could probably get the Barr 5200 dual beckett version from Austins Oceans with a collection container. The top of the line Orca would be a great choice also!
I switched from my Barr to a Royal Exclusiv Alpha 300 Cone Skimmer and absolutely love it. My thinking was similar to your both with the size of my tank and my budget being about the same. After lots of research, I decided to spend a bit more. At first I was a bit concened about how the Alpha was going to stack of against my Barr. I was however very pleased in the end..
The Alpha produces some of the smelliest skimmate I have ever smelled and can pull a gallon of it a week or more with ease. Like my previous Barr the Alpha is a foam making machine! The Alpha however is much more efficient. You could get an Alpha 300 from Premium Aquatics for around $1250 as they are 15% off right now. If you have the sump space and can pull of $250 more, you would be very happy with the Alpha 300 and your electric bill will be substantially less than a comparable Beckett skimmer!
For size reference, I took this picture when I first got it. The skimmer is huge even though I am used to 4'-5' tall skimmers. The dog didnt seem to mind.
just make one for yourself,mine- diy skimmer made myself ,material cost- $200 + cost of pump,I made it square due to cost of 12 '' cilinder,main chamber 12x12x17h,bottom box 19x19x6''cilinders are 6'' extruded
Yep. That was me. Ich is gone but the casualties were heavy. I don't attribute all my losses directly to the ich but even those that were not, were indirectly related.. Some were the result of my treatment such as dropping my salinity or moving them to another tank. A smaller one that at. At least I will still be able to go forward with inverts and I really didnt suffer any losses there other than a coral bandit shrimp.
Folks have good things to say about the skimmers they have used successfully. That doesn't make it a top skimmer available on the market. It's just the top skimmer that person has used...
I wish there was an objective source based on actual skimmer performance comparisons. Now that would be interesting reading...
I hear good things about the Super Reef Octopus XP-5000 External Cone Series. I also have the Reeflo Orca 250 external that I got from Lightsluvr used and this skimmer is a work horse. I am looking for a 2nd skimmer for another system and may consider the Octopus XP-5000.
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