Best way to attach rics


New member
I bought some rics from ken, from what I read they do not come attached to anything. What would be the best way to attach these guys to my lr.
You can take a small piece of rock and place the ric on it and wrap them with wedding veil fabric (available at Wal-mart), make sure its not too tight and it will attach in a few days.

You can also get a small tupperware container, put some small rubble in it and put the ric in on top.

After it has attached to the rock/rubble you can glue it where you want it in your aquascape. Try not to get glue directly on the ric, they can usually survive it but don't like it.
there are tons of ways..the simplest and easiest that always works and doenst take fiddling with is the tupperware.

get a small tupperware container, riddle it with holes on the sides and lid, fill it with rubble and throw the rics in. after a wek they will be attached and you can glue them wherever you want.

total handling time of seconds if you have the tupperware container with holes already made
The tupperware is what I usually do also, but I put mesh over the top, getting flow in there is really important, as flyyguy said lots of holes, otherwise they just rot.
I don't want to hijack this thread, but I have a related question. I have mushrooms and softies that are attached to rubble that I want to glue in place in my aquarium, but I can't remove the live rock from my tank without taking apart my hole aquascape. I've tried applying gel superglue to the rubble on the frag and then placing the frag on the liverock in the aquarium, but the glue reacts with the water and doesn't stick. Any suggestions on how to get the frags to stick when removing the rock for glueing is not a possibility?
make sure to grind the glue down in holes or crevices int he rock.......put the glob of glue down then shimmy the rubble you are trying to place in place...hold for 30 seconds.

If its a bigger rock use 2 part epoxy kind of the same way but you will need to mold the epoxy up around what you are trying to place and sometimes prop it up until the epoxy sets. Loctite brand sets way faster than aquamend so is a better choice in some cases.

both epoxy and glue work, but just takes some practice until you get the hang of it

You will see in the back how I do it.


After a while it attaches to the rubble in that little acrylic cup
no flow is no good. They will attach much faster if you give them a livable environment as well as be much less succeptible to infection right after being cut

nice yumas. you wouldnt want to cut those and then throw them in a stagnant cup