Beware Of Something Fishy

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dj synystr

New member
make a long story short i purchased a few fish from Something fishy in the past few weeks after setting up a 75 fowlr tank plumbed in to my current system. everythign was ok for a week untiul i noticed ich. treated the ich it went away but soon after came a fungal infection that killed 13 fish in my systyem. i have lost well over $1000 in fish due to this infection. now i know you should quarantine fish but honestly i havent done that in 4 years and NEVER had a problem like this. it seems every fish i have ever gotten from them has had some sort of disease. i do not blame them personally for this but i can tell you i will NEVER buy fish from them again. so for all of you out there looking at fish from them BE VERY CAREFULL on what you buy and def. quarantine ALL purchases from this place. i guess its another way of them having job securty!
Your welcome to have your own opinion but I know I will continue to visit Something Fishy every weekend.

Nothing you did in a week made the ich go away. It was just at a point in its cycle that it fell off the fish. Until you let your tanks go fishless for 6 weeks it is still there.

All wet purchases no matter who, when or where they come from should be QT'd.

Hawain Tusk Fish LARGE
Lion Fish LARGE
Clown Trigger LARGE
Onyx Clown Fish
2 Cardinals
Yellow tail damsel
Vlaminigi Tang Large
Yellow Tang Large
Potters Angel
Coral Beauty
Purple/Yellow Anthias
Hey man....I feel for you, but as you said yourself, you didn't QT.
Stinks as you had some pretty fish.

*There isn't 'one' lfs that doesn't have some level of illnesses and ich in their least in NJ and PA.(only states i frequent lfs's of)

I too go there every weekend and will continue to do so, but have been and will be very careful with any fish purchases.

Todd, Steve and Veronica are all great to deal with as well.
oh dont get me they know there stuff. i didnt say i wouldnt go there i said i wouldnt buy anymore fish. i was making this post so others WOULD quarantine there fish from them not to bad mouth them. believe me if i wanted to bad mouth them it wouldnt be on RC. also forgot about:

Koran Angel
I always keep a qt tank running. My wife keeps telling me to take it down, because it's ugly. Everytime she starts giving me too much crap about it, I buy a fish to prove a point.:bum: Always qt fish, no matter how long you've been in the hobby.
Did you know that there are actually treatments that are reef safe for bacterial and fungal infections? How did you treat your ich problem? Your fungal infection?
Personally we do not quarantine fish, but we have treated bacterial, fungal and ich within our reef tank. We were taught in-reef treatment methods early on from Ron of Saltwater Heaven (flashbacks anyone?) and it was the best thing he ever taught us. Heck, Ron's fish were the healthiest I've ever seen at a fish store, but you still take the chance that a stressed fish is going to catch an illness. That's totally something that Something Fishy can't prevent...that's just part of the reefkeeping hobby.
I'd say you just got lucky adding fish prior to this. Your luck just ran out.
i actually treated both with pimafix and melafix . as for prevention again i wasnt saying they could of prevented it or did anything wrong.
I know nothing of pimafix and melafix...but obviously neither of those was an actual "fix." Myacin (Erythromyacin) and Pennicillin are drug I always have on hand. You can use 250mg per 30 gallons safely in a reef. Myacin will cure most infections. For eye problems, however, I use Pennicillin. These are people drugs, but they are used for the same curing properties that they have in humans.

As for ich, we have ozone as the only other effective thing is copper and that's certainly not safe in any quantity in a reef tank.

As far as you not saying that they did anything wrong at SF, you implied that in the other thread when you placed "Beware of Something Fishy" in all capital letters. That in itself states that you place the blame on them and not on yourself or nature.
Also, did you seriously put that many fish into a new tank in a matter of weeks? I certainly hope not. Were these 13 fish in that one new 75, or between that and the other tank?
Ok, HELLO, are you really that out of it?

I shall quote you from your reply to the healthy tangs post:

"BEWARE OF SOMETHING FISHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i just lost 13 fish totalling $1000 plus because of one fish from something fishy having a fungal infection as well as ich."

I didn't say your title was in all caps, I said:
"As far as you not saying that they did anything wrong at SF, you implied that in the other thread when you placed "Beware of Something Fishy" in all capital letters."

Trust me, I do know how to read...would you like to compare educational degrees? I think not. Perhaps it is you that is having issues with reading comprehension?

Your original statement was:
"i purchased a few fish from Something fishy in the past few weeks after setting up a 75 fowlr tank plumbed in to my current system."
This implies that the 75 was a new tank...just because you added it on to another tank does not mean that it is an established tank.

I think you need to take some responsibility for your own actions instead of blaming the respectable people of this business. This business has treated the members of NCPARS very well over the lifetime of this club. They do not deserve to be slammed by someone like you that is an irrepsonsible reefkeeper.
wasnt slamming them, and i have spent thousands of $'s there. just letting people know what i got from there systems. some people on here just get too touchy when it comes to a message board. as for education good for you playboy glad your a teacher helping todays youth, but i know that when i go to the bank i can read and count those numbers! as i said before i'll say it again wasnt blaming just saying beware of fish from them. i'm not the first person to say this or will i be the last. i have gotten plenty of fish from them and never qt'd with no problems, this time i wasnt so lucky. lesson learned and i'll keep it moving. oh yeah and since your so quick to quote posts lets go back to my ORIGINAL post

"now i know you should quarantine fish but honestly i havent done that in 4 years and NEVER had a problem like this. "

"i do not blame them personally for this but i can tell you i will NEVER buy fish from them again."

"quarantine ALL purchases from this place."

But guess you skipped pass those statements?
Ok, um, what exactly would make me a "playboy"? You're pretty good at throwing out the digs, but it would be helpful if you could know something about someone before you start calling names. First I'm illiterate, now I'm a playboy. Well, hey, not everyone on here is a man. As I am not. So, you're going to have to come up with a more clever name for me. But, hey, you're giving me some good chuckles...if that helps.

I'm also not sure what the part about the bank and counting numbers was...not exactly too clear on that one. What was your point? I spoke of reading comprehension and you counter with math? Hmmm.... Are you implying that you make a lot of money? This was more unclear than the original intention of your post...and that's pretty bad.

I didn't skip past your statements but I found your entire post to be ridiculous. You were accusing SF of selling you sickly fish. You didn't take credit for the demise of your livestock even though every reefer should know that adding a new fish is taking a risk with their system. You should be careful of fish you buy from ANYWHERE. If not, you know nothing about reefkeeping and should not be in the hobby. Even healthy looking fish can become sick from the stress of moving them into new environments.

Your posting was contradictory. I'm at a loss for why you even posted it in the first place. Are you saying you've learned a lesson and will now quarantine? It certainly didn't seem it from your posts.

You seem very quick tempered. You attacked me in your "Learn to Read" post after I actually took the time to try to pass on some knowledge of how to treat sick fish in your reef tank. Obviously this is an area that you need to work on since you lost so many fish to a problem I feel was preventable.

Your thoughts also seem to bounce from one thing to the next. And, yet, you expect us to side with you and do what? Stop shopping at SF? Quarantine our fish? Sorry, I don't think I would take your advice at this point because your postings have come across as rants that are non-productive.
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