Bias against Fish street on the forum

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New member
Well since all on my posts were taken down I would say there is no way for the community to check the real facts.

I have only given my honest feedback on products i use in my tanks.

Clearly people would rather drive people who monitor this forum are basis.

Too bad. If you think this is truly an open forum you are mistaken.

Look at what an admin sent me. What a joke. I guess being a member since 2013 mean i suddenly showed up.

You have received an infraction at Reef Central Online Community

You have received an infraction at Reef Central Online Community.

Reason: You need to stop
You need to stop all promotion and discussion of both jebao and fish-street. I don't know what your particular connection to either one of these businesses is, but considering you suddenly showed up on here yesterday and proceeded to make nearly 40 posts all attempting to drive people to those two businesses. Your behavior is more than ample suspicious enough to ask that you stop immediately until you are otherwise informed by a member of RC Staff that you may discuss or promote either one of those businesses. Thank you for your cooperation.

RC Staff
RC retains ownership of this message and all associated contents, which are to remain confidential. This message is intended only for the designated recipient(s). Sharing, forwarding or posting of this information, without prior consent, may result in the loss of posting privileges on Reef Central's forums.

This infraction is worth 1 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire. Infractions are automated warnings. They can be granted for a number or reasons all relating to Reef Central's standards of conduct. These warnings automatically expire, often in a week or less. 5 infraction points need to be accumulated before any restrictions are placed on your account. If you'd like more information about the details of your infraction, please let me know.

Original Post:
Coral box Moon Leds are the way to go:

You wont be disappointed.
All the best,
Reef Central Online Community


I will love and miss you until the last beat of my heart Rusty. [/I]
i guess if saying i recommend some jabeo products gets me banned.

seems odd. the only posts that I have made that have not been removed are ones that do not have anything to do with Jabeo.

My posts concerning Jabeo were made on threads about Jabeo or people asking what should they use for LEDs, skimmers, or pumps. I use Jabeo products and have been very pleased.

Seems like other should know that you posts can be removed if you mention Jabeo.

If not have the admin person re-post my posts here in context and you will see I do not have an affiliation with fish street.
RC Staff
RC retains ownership of this message and all associated contents, which are to remain confidential. This message is intended only for the designated recipient(s). Sharing, forwarding or posting of this information, without prior consent, may result in the loss of posting privileges on Reef Central's forums.

did you not read this part?

I would also read this thread

the way you were posting looked excatly like shilling, i understand likeing a product but 3/4 or more of your post's were linking to fish street
Bias against Fish street on the forum

Was referring specifically where it states to not repost the message or lose posting priveledges

Yeah that cracks me up.

"Do not post this or you will be banned!"

So you post it?

I guess it's easier to just get banned and create a new username. Seems to happen a lot.

this was posted by JEFF and explains shilling:

"It has become common practice on the internet for people that represent themselves as consumers and leave glowing reviews for products. Buyer beware unless you trust the reviewer."
this was posted by JEFF and explains shilling:

"It has become common practice on the internet for people that represent themselves as consumers and leave glowing reviews for products. Buyer beware unless you trust the reviewer."

Ya I found it in urban dictionary.
For supposedly having a secret bias we seem to do a darn lousy job of enforcing it :lol:.

Perhaps its much more likely folks that show up out of the blue and display very abberant behavior are likely to be noticed ;).

REEFCHITOWN - Threads like this pretty much never end up benefiting the OP. As always my PM box is wide open if you'd like to try and explain to me (and by extension the rest of RC Staff) how you're innocent and not suspicious at all. In the meantime - don't start anymore drama threads like this one ;). Thanks.

I use Jebao pumps and think they are great (bias theory blown), however, I did not go on a 2 day run of 30 posts of nothing but Fish-Street and Jebao promotions. To say it is suspicious is an understatement, especially when your last post on this board was August of 2013. Please spare us your outrage. If you want to participate here, please do, but stop looking like a shill.
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