Bicolor benny


New member
Hi all,

Does Bicolor Benny nip at Clams.

I have one Bicolor Benny and three clams, which have not been opening for the past 3 weeks.

Kais :)
Every individual is different, but I had a bi-color that was hell on sps. I have heard of them nipping clams also, but every case is different.

How long have you had the clams?

Your clams haven't opened for 3 weeks!!!! :eek:
You need to save them, fast. I think the blenny is the likely culprit. I have heard they nip at clams.

Be careful to take special care because it is likely that there may be some bleaching (or even death :( ) if they haven't opened up for 3 weeks!

What species are they? What size is your tank, and what kind of lights do you have?

Best of luck
I have Corcea x3 for 2 months. I'm using 150W MH x 2 in a 4feet tank. The clams are located at the top level, directly under the MH.

Out of sudden, they closed up on me. I have tried fresh water dip but with no improvment. The water condition in my tank is ok. Any other fish that I should take note, beside Bi-color Benny.

Pls advise on any immediate action.

I will remove the Blenny when I reach home tonight.

Thanks for your advise, guys.

Will keep u update on the progress.

good luck getting the blenny out. I just removed my bi color who was eating my acros. Didn't catch him nipping on my clams though. That little sucker made me mad because i had to take out all of the lr to catch him :mad2:
My Clams are opening their mantle (50%) after I remove the Bi-color Blenny.

(The Benny was stupid enough to go into the outlet of my powerhead when I switch off the power. With a scoop, the Blenny was a history.)

On behalf of my Clams, I like to thanks those who had given me advice.

(One problem down, another one to solve - cyano problem)

Hint- Queen Conchs eat red slime {cyano}.
Kais- Now your job is to share your experiences regarding Bicolor Blennies and clams. Most people are not aware that this species of Blenny is prone to nip clams and corals. As always, there are exceptions.;)