Big FOWLR tanks

capt insano:

With all those fish and all that lighting, whats the secret to keeping your algae down. I don't see any nuisance algae in your tank.
a couple of things:

I employ a very large 100 gallon refugium packed with chaeto and other macro algae. It helps to out-compete the nuisance algae for nutrients, effectively starving it out

I have several large turbo grazer snails (the size of golf balls) in the tank which help to keep algae growth down

I only have the main tank lights on for 5 hours/day

Elbow grease! I won't kid you......I have to scrub the corners and scratches in the acrylic when I do water changes every couple of weeks.
btw, look along the front bottom center of the tank.....plenty of algae growth that I haven't scraped off in a long time!!