Big Mistake?

Most any grocery store, including WalMart sells distilled water in the bottled water aisle. Like 80 cents/gallon. Measured it several times from various bottles purchased various times. Always measures 0 TDS. That said, any of that bottled water will work in a pinch. I've never measured TDS on "spring water" or "drinking water", but I'm sure it's under 100 TDS....which is better than any tap water.

To cap it off, several people on this message board claim to top off with tap water regularly. I think it's asking for an algae out break, but if their tank is hardy enough to take up the excess phosphate etc, then so be it. Lucky them. But for the 99% of us, avoid tap water.
... but I'm sure it's under 100 TDS....which is better than any tap water.

ANY? My tap water is consistently between 75 & 85 TDS. ;)

That said, I would not use it and have a RODI unit. The up side is I have run the same filters and membrane for years and still get 0 TDS on the output. :)

I only use tap water and my tank does pretty snazzy ;)

That being said, the bottled water shouldn't be the cause of your fishes ill mood.
ANY? My tap water is consistently between 75 & 85 TDS. ;)

That said, I would not use it and have a RODI unit. The up side is I have run the same filters and membrane for years and still get 0 TDS on the output. :)


Your meter is broken...
I use distilled water. TDS is 0 on the meter. The kids accidentally bought drinking water, TDS was 14. Makes a difference.

If using distilled try to see how it was distilled, some use copper to do the distillation which is not good for the reef tank.
I have used distiller water when I was waiting for my or filters to come in. I didn't have any problems. Others I know use it too.