Big skimmerS

I ended up going with the Octopus Extreme 300
Check this out i emptied the collection cup on Tuesday night
This skimmer is already out performing my MRC-3 i have had for 7 years
But great skimmer Octopus-300!


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Like Robb I have a BM250, I've seen claims that say it's rated for 500g... maybe the way I run my tank (not many fish) but most people seem to go fish crazy the larger the tanks get :D Currently 6 fish in 180g of tank space. Although I clean it way more often than Robb does, if I had that much brown liquid in it I think I'd barf from the smell.
my tank is 240 with about 10-12 fish. i clean my cup every 4-5 days. i would hate to see what kind of skimmate or the quantity of it that would be produced. (i already have to put the cup in the sink and turn the water on and walk away because of the smell. not to mention my wife prefers me to do it while she is not in the house!!)
Although I clean it way more often than Robb does, if I had that much brown liquid in it I think I'd barf from the smell.

For the record, that was taken after returning from holidays.. about 2.5 weeks work of skimate. My tank care taker won't touch the skimmer :fun2:
Here is my newly installed Barr Aquatic SK5020 single beckett that I run on my 480G tank.

I am thinking about adding the second beckett but this thing is already kicking some serious butt!

Its been up for a couple weeks now but I have made numerous changers to to my system during the last several days. This is 2 days after totally cleaning the top stack.


I feed it with an Iwaki MD100RLT. That same pump is also sending water to my chiller in the garage 40' away via 80' of 1" pvc. I am replacing the Iwaki with a Reeflo UNO Marlin tomorrow as that Iwaki makes more noise than my 3 other 1/8HP pond pumps combined.
DIY 6' tall 12" body 8" neck meshwheel

DIY 6' tall 12" body 8" neck meshwheel

Here is mine,,

and I think single skimmer works better, removes more DOC and faster than multiple skimmers. I tested.


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I am running the MRC-3R dual Beckett and I added a 12" riser to it. 42" tall and performing exceptionally well. I have a 300g tank, 60g fuge, 40g in the sump, and about 10g in the skimmer.
No more beckett style for me...
From my experience when there is a problem there is a problem. I could never get consistant skimming from my unit without me having to mess around with it WEEKLY!

With my octopus extrmeme 300 NO WORRIES! I clean the collection cup once a week i unplug it and let it do its thing...

I use to hate it when i read RC and people would talk about their skimmers are great etc... and im hating my skimmer because of weekly issues.

NO MORE FOR ME , I KNOW JOIN in on the threads thanks to my new skimmer
I am looking at either Reef Octo FDNW 400 or two of the new Reef Octo Extreeme XP 5000 externals on my 800 gal total system. I have got to decide by Monday because my rock is comming in next week. I have an Orca 250 with the pro kit and a new dart gold pump on my 180 and have been very very happy, but i feel like that it is old technology. Please help, I cannot get the fence post out of my ....
I think with Any line of Octo you really can't go wrong from what i have seen and experienced. Go for it. I kinda felt the same about my MRC skimmer at the time, but i also wasnt happy with skimmer production.

I added mods to the skimmer and it didn't help
With my octo ex 300 they sent the mod equipment with the skimmer but the performance is so good there was no need for me to add any mod.
I would definitely go with the octo extremes over the FDNW 400, its outdated and uses more watts with less air than the newer versions.
The FDNW 400 is the largest recirculation skimmer the Reef Octopus makes. It has four OTP-3000 pumps and a 16" body.
I have seen one at the local LFS and it works fine but it still seems like old technology and four pumps have to suck a lot of energy.

I have looked at the bubble kings but with today's valuation of the dollar, the cost is over the top.
wow, that thing is huge!
Maybe one day ill be able to purchase a skimmer that size once i get this 285 tank out grown...
Looks good to me what do you mean by old technology?
What I mean my “old technology” is that this skimmer is a full cylinder skimmer meaning that it has no cone at the top of the skimmer, it also uses pumps that have been around for awhile and use more power with less air injected then the new pumps that have just come out (red dragon, bubble blaster ect). The new full cone skimmers are supposed to be the best thing out, but I really don’t know for sure.