I just spoke to Alessandro tonight about my lighting system and ACLS. Very friendly guy.
Again he mentions he sent fuses to Greg at Reef Geek for those who pruchased light from Greg. You can also contact him directly at
sfiligoi@sfiligoi.it and give him your name/address and he will send them. I think he was saying how it's difficult for them to mimic our AC current in Europe with their power generators so they may have underated the fuses therefor they are blowing on some of you. (Very thick Italian accent)
For those of you that aren't having any problems maybe have a spare on hand of the right ones?
I spoke to him on how most of us reefers time our lights with actinics on first then halides, reverse order turning off. He says that Sfiligoi tries to mimic natural sunlight therefor ALCS dims halides on first then suppliments T5's then reverse order. I asked him if there's a possiblity to incorporate both options into the units. I gave him some reasons why most of us do this:
1) Longer viewing times with and extra hour or two before and after halides so we don't over light our coral photoperiod with halides.
2) Less halide time to prolong halide bulbs.
3) Heat and energy costs if you normally run actinics 2 hours then halides 8 hours then actinics 2 more. With ACLS currently you would have 12 total for halide, I had to bump it down to 10 hours a day now. May have to go less...
He mentions that he has had some requests but for the most part most of the requests he's had are the natural way in Europe. I told him most of us in the US do it the other way or run halides only. He said he'll think it over with his company. Maybe some of you who have ACLS or planning on getting in the near future can send these request to him maybe they'll reconsider if the market demands it?